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About Guiteau

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  1. Guiteau

    Died for no RAISINS!

  2. Guiteau

    Died for no RAISINS!

  3. Guiteau


    Appears that changing clothes effectively resets your presence in the game. If any zombies are in the area, they will stop existing in the world as well.
  4. Date/Time: 6/18/2012 8:10PM PST (-8 GMT) What happened: 30+ hatches and 15+ crowbars suddenly appeared on the ground when pistol slot item was manually dropped (re-pro'd once). These items were useless, couldn't be placed in main inventory or be equiped. They would take up a backpack slot and show up as as a shotgun ammo icon. Where you were: Starry Sobor, Inside church What you were doing: Scavanging and moving items around in my inventory. Dropped my Flashlight & Marakov manually from the pistol slot to make room for something. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: FR 16 *Your system specs: I7 2600k, GTX 570, 16GB RAM
  5. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    You are correct. I was reading the instructions posted by Rocket in his first post. (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?90317-!Beta-Troubleshooting-Tips-FAQs) This caused me to rage a bit before installing, because I know two of my friends would be rather useless in updating things themselves and figured I'd just forgo until the beta patch was released. I still have concerns with testing an alpha build of a game on beta build of a patch. If professional testers have a hard time figuring out which is causing issues, it's going to cause bug triage hell when it's coming from the general public.
  6. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Blackfuse, you've gained my respect. Due to professionalism. I also know you weren't looking for it. I've already got the build working on my machine, as I've said, it's never been a concern for myself, but a concern for the other people I play with. Yes, alpha testing, and build smoke testing can be a total bitch. Luckily, I work in release management for now and don't have to put up with that regularly, and the test tools I've been developing have been for that group. Though, this isn't an internal build. I realize that DayZ exploded and gained far more than what Rocket ever thought this MOD could achieve. Could I sit down with and open source packager and make this process easier and send it all to rocket? Quite possibly (though, I have NDA concerns which prevent me from offering a hand). So, this isn't a sense of entitlement, it's a sense of "What's best for the user?". Maybe that comes from working in RM for the last 16 months, and doing trenches testing before that. As for security, those are steps I've taken to protect myself. I advise my friends to take the same steps. It's up to the individual to decide if they value security for tools to enhance their gaming experience.
  7. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    No, because it's a security risk. Even DayZ fell victim to such a security risk just this last week. Running a 3rd party EXE (unless developed by myself), which can be compromised, is not something I've ever done, or ever will do. I have no clue who has access to the upload server, whether or not they can be compromised, etc etc. Computer security, it's important.
  8. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Yes, because I also have to: Open RegEdit.exe, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2, create a string value, download and install a BETA TEST PATCH BUILD of ArmA 2 and install it. But, lets not forget what it took for me to originally get the game running: Install ArmA II: OA, Install ArmA II Demo/Free, Copy ArmA II Free's Addons folder over to OA's folder, launch the game, set the mod, restart the game, test if worked. Are you going to tell me that this is acceptable in PC gaming in 2012? I understand hiccups due to all the various PC builds out there, but base setup and updating should not be a challenge. I think that you are doing it wrong with steam... I didn't have to touch my steam install, just used http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241 to get the game to launch the beta version CO, add the dayz mod to the mod group, and set any cool settings you want (no splash, no pause). Hit the create shortcut button, and then copy the target and working directory into a third party game in Steam. You also realize that: 1. This is a MOD, not a standalone game, MOD's generally require a bit of effort to install (Just had to rename a file and shit to install Third Age: Total War). 2. This MOD is in ALPHA. Installation ease is not a priority, I doubt it's even top 10 on the devs todo list. ALPHA is for creating, implementing, and early testing of new GAMEPLAY FEATURES, not EASE OF USE, that comes later. Thanks for the tool suggestion, but I don't use game tools not developed by the game developers.
  9. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Yes, because I also have to: Open RegEdit.exe, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2, create a string value, download and install a BETA TEST PATCH BUILD of ArmA 2 and install it. But, lets not forget what it took for me to originally get the game running: Install ArmA II: OA, Install ArmA II Demo/Free, Copy ArmA II Free's Addons folder over to OA's folder, launch the game, set the mod, restart the game, test if worked. Are you going to tell me that this is acceptable in PC gaming in 2012? I understand hiccups due to all the various PC builds out there, but base setup and updating should not be a challenge. Theres half ur problem, ur using arma2 free. Last time i checked arma2 free wasnt allowing mods so this long work around is justified ;) No, I'm using ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, which does support mods, but doesn't have all the required files to run DayZ, which are included in the ArmA II Free Addon folder. I bought 4 copies of ArmA II to play DayZ, the economical choice was to save myself $40.
  10. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Yes, because I also have to: Open RegEdit.exe, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2, create a string value, download and install a BETA TEST PATCH BUILD of ArmA 2 and install it. But, lets not forget what it took for me to originally get the game running: Install ArmA II: OA, Install ArmA II Demo/Free, Copy ArmA II Free's Addons folder over to OA's folder, launch the game, set the mod, restart the game, test if worked. Are you going to tell me that this is acceptable in PC gaming in 2012? I understand hiccups due to all the various PC builds out there, but base setup and updating should not be a challenge.
  11. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    It's not a question of my technical ability, it's the question of the hassle. I'm more than competent and confident enough to get the game running. I did so in 1.6, and I could do so again. My job has far more complicated things going on than this, spanning 3 operating systems. I don't want to spend over an hour trying to get all my friends up and running to play again. I probably will, but it's a PITA. The proof lies in a ton of the posts on this thread asking why they can't get their installation working. Funny, I'm a complete doofus and have never had any difficulty installing and running the mod. Install base game, add dayz files.... Then, with arms beta incorporated, it's just get latest beta, get latest dayz, make sure to run arms in beta..... Works like a charm, from 1.5 to present. Maybe your knowledge over complicates the task. Edit: I was thinking... I'm pretty sure I saw or heard rocket say that an easier install method was a priority. Not for this patch, but as an overall goal.... So maybe as you say, wait it out. Don't forget: Steam version: Muck with your registry, create custom shortcut (or set launch options in steam shortcut properties). Neither is a challenge for me, just doesn't mean I want to do it Again, it's not an issue of complication for me. It's an issue of hassle, and for others it can be a daunting and challenging task. I deal with hassle at work, and I thrive off of the challenge professionally. This, this is my leisure time. I want to be able to sit down and play games with my friends. As for Rocket wanting to make the process easier, I would rank that as a higher priority than content and performance updates. Making the game accessible should be a top priority outside of crash & blocking issues. I would also say that releasing something on a beta update build of a released product is bad form.
  12. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    It's not a question of my technical ability, it's the question of the hassle. I'm more than competent and confident enough to get the game running. I did so in 1.6, and I could do so again. My job has far more complicated things going on than this, spanning 3 operating systems. I don't want to spend over an hour trying to get all my friends up and running to play again. I probably will, but it's a PITA. The proof lies in a ton of the posts on this thread asking why they can't get their installation working. Either you have 60 friends playing the game or you're just stumbling around not knowing what to do, figuring it out as you go every single time. I think the jagged running is intentional Sykotix. Or having to RDP into a friend's computer, hoping they have Teamviewer installed or Windows RDP access configured, navigating through their computer while being respectful, doing what needs to be done, and testing to make sure I didn't skip a step. Having to do this for one person is one person too many. I do, however, have several friends that I play with. Good job with the ad hominem implication though.
  13. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    It's not a question of my technical ability, it's the question of the hassle. I'm more than competent and confident enough to get the game running. I did so in 1.6, and I could do so again. My job has far more complicated things going on than this, spanning 3 operating systems. I don't want to spend over an hour trying to get all my friends up and running to play again. I probably will, but it's a PITA. The proof lies in a ton of the posts on this thread asking why they can't get their installation working.
  14. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    A lot of my friends that are playing this have low to medium technical knowledge. If I have to RDP into somebody's computer to help get their copy of the game running, yes, it's hard. It's also a huge deterrent.
  15. Guiteau

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Lemme preface this by saying I'm a software tools and test developer for a game company, avid gamer, and have spent years doing tech support. Getting this game to run was an extreme hassle. Getting this game to run now even seems like a bigger hassle. Don't get me wrong, this game is fun, but the process to keep playing this game is almost as hard as sticking somebody unfamiliar with Linux in front of a Linux box with fullscreen terminal up and telling them to browse the internet there. Thinking about doing other things until the beta patch is released and coming back to DayZ then.