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Posts posted by sirr0

  1. Exactly, Yogscast is a business at this point and they were requested to do DayZ so they are going to do it the most effective way possible and that is not going to be to play the real way.

    Watching them spend 2 hours trying to get a hatchet is not one of the ways to entertain, it might be part of the game but its entertainment is purely for that particular person doing it and not someone watching.

    They are looking for view count and that isn't going to work in their favor for a series doing something like that. Unless their DayZ videos hit huge they aren't likely to stick with it too long.

    Edit: I'd like to point out, them calling him a retard is part of their act, they say off beat things like this, I wouldn't take it to heart in any way whatsoever. If you aren't into their stuff I wouldn't give them view counts.

    It's like the standup comics who use race jokes a lot to egg people on, if they get you to watch or talk about them, they are winning the battle :)

  2. Yogscast are just a comedy group with video game elements to their videos nothing more. They are two harmless British guys who suck (or pretend to at least) at video games who make witty comments, not sure why they would be considered a threat in anyway.

    I tend to find them funny and have watched them for over a year now, if there is one consistency with their routine is that they will do maybe a handful of videos and move on at the most because they have a busy schedule.

    As far as their community ruining this one I honest really think people are out of their heads if they think that this community as a whole will look the same in a few weeks, let alone a month from now.

    Considering pretty much every gamer channel on youtube is covering as are all the major game sites, this game has only begun to see its huge growth.

    This game is the current Minecraft so you are going to get the good and the bad and either deal with it or move on. This game isn't going to shrink in to obscurity any time soon.

    The only thing that is going to be really annoying is the influx of mouth breathers who don't know what an alpha is coming here complaining but I can assure you it won't be just Yogscast subbers doing it.
