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Lucasm (DayZ)

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3 Neutral

About Lucasm (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Video games, Baseball, Football, Computers

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    Favorite Gun--MK 48
    Favorite Food--A good can of beans fresh off the floor of the supermarket
    Play-style--Kill all... I don't want to lose mah shit.
  1. Lucasm (DayZ)

    looking for a squad

    skype lucasmcallister Wanna play some Dayz
  2. Lucasm (DayZ)

    Crossbow tweak?

    i think that would be a good idea to incorporate a quiver system. I also feel that it would be cool if you could have a scope on the crossbow or something. Ill be playing dayz tonight my skype is lucasmcallister
  3. also looking to play some Dayz with someone skype----->lucasmcallister.