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Everything posted by ElwinSP

  1. Hi everyone. Thanks in advance for your attention. I have been playing Day Z for a couple of weeks now and there is a couple of things that I dont quite understand. 1. First of all is that many times if I walk into a supermarket or other building I find nothing but a bunch of empty backpacks. This has become very common to the point even the supermarket of a distant place such as Zelenogorsk is empty. Do people take advantage of backpack bugs to make the items dissapear? If so, it must be a hard work just to deprive some newbies of some canned food. I mean I could understand they did it with weapons so that it wouldnt be turned on them but come on, the most dangerous thing you can find in a supermarket is a makarov. Besides, where do they get so many backpacks? 2. After leaving the supermarket in Zelenogorsk I was scouting the town making sure no one was around when all of a sudden PAM, i appeared in the middle of an empty field. I think I was not far away from the town. As I was looking around trying to figure where i was .. PAM. A guy appeared out of nowhere in front of me and as I was expecting he shot me. That was hacking right? Why would anyone bother to hack a noob with a hatchet? Beats me. 3. In my next life I was following again the policy of visiting only small faraway towns with only low level residential loot in them as to avoid people that could hunt me. I was inside this small log building when .... PAM the whole building blew up leaving only ashes, debris and my dead corpse. Did someone bother putting a satchel there or was I hacked again? 4. At first when I heard people were hacking I figured they were just giving themselves big guns and what not and I thought I could live with it and just try to hide from thos people giving the game yet another edge. But .... this leaves me puzzled. Is what happened to me hacking? And, if so, how can one avoid it? I was in a realtively big (30 players) server because I thought maybe there people were less likely to hack. Am i sutck with just waiting for DayZ standalone to go out? Thanks for your help
  2. Hello! I recently started playing daz z and up to now my impression is (and pardon if i swear) .... Why does everyone have to be such a bitch? I mean i can understand someone wanting to steal from you if you had a nice gun or something but until now every single person that I have met has shot me! I mean I didnt have nothing on me, not a damm weapon. I have another question regarding the chat. When I meet someone I usually write and use voicecom in direct mode but until now no one has answered me. Am I doing right? or is it that the people that i have met didnt consider it worth to give me and explanation before they shot me? I mean i seriously dont understand it that people that go in a helicopter take the time to kill a simple unarmed friendly noob.
  3. ElwinSP

    Why is everyone so agressive?

    Oh well, I am now heading up north trying to avoid the denseley populated coast areas. Im not doing bad, once you get the hang of it its not so bad. But I really do miss there would be more interaction with other players. Now if I see someone I point him with my gun to try and dissuade him from shooting me. Then if after some time he hasnt shot me i lowe my gun and salute, follow him and try to talk to him. I have tried time and time again to establish conversation in every languague that I know (English german spanish) but no luck yet. That is quite a shame, i wish there was an easier way to communicate,I hate playing in a world where everyone seems to be mute. I mean I found a noob like me and asked him if he wanted help (both on Voice Comm and chat) but to no avail. I guess ill just have to look for someone to be my buddy here on the forums ....