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Everything posted by blind123

  1. blind123

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Well, just got done putting together a bigger map. Couldn't get it on ImageShack so had to put it on Zippyshare. Here is the link,
  2. blind123

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Been looking for a map of Fallujah and couldn't find anything (well, I couldn't find anything big enough to use), so I just put together a bunch of screenshots I took of the map and made one about 2500x2500 pixels. Here you go, enjoy: http://i.imgur.com/2...TJII.jpg Might do a bigger one later. Edit: Looks like Imgur made it a bit smaller and lowered the quality, here is an ImageShack version: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/dayzfallujah.jpg/
  3. Since I can't use BEC (Battleye Extended Controls) on this HFB server, is there some other way I can add automatic messages to warn players about server restarts? No one was leaving so now they are off and I'm warning manually with ArmA 2 Rcon. Had a restart every 8 hours, would like to add them back but obviously can't always be there to warn players.
  4. Hold up, about to try this too. I was doing the same as you now going to try and uinstall Six Launcher and see what happens..I'm on though, so don't know if I will get the same results as you.