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About Scorcho

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  1. The best thing about this patch is that it may drive the deathmatchers away.
  2. Scorcho

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    I don't know why everyone is complaining about the sight range. If you move slow and take your time you can still make your way past them, I crawled/crouch walked through a very populated town and only aggro'ed a group when I literally ran into one hanging out in a barn.
  3. Scorcho

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    I think a zombie tried to karate kick me.
  4. Scorcho

    The Stranger...

    Good story.
  5. Scorcho

    will my computer run this

    Download Arma 2 Free and see how it runs?
  6. Bad form. Exposing yourself to bandaging is no excuse to DC. Take the risk or try to escape or take out the guys before you bleed out.
  7. Scorcho

    How much would you pay?

    $40.00. Which is the highest price I will pay for virtually any game.
  8. YES Crows/vultures may follow a person if they are constantly around dead people (food). Flies no.
  9. NO Makes new players too easy of a target for bandits and thrill-killers.
  10. I'd like to see this, as well.
  11. Scorcho

    Randomly died...

    Gimme an A! Gimme an L! Gimme a P! You know the rest... Sucks you died dude but chill the hell out.
  12. Scorcho

    Play Dead

    I like the idea, and I also don't see the need for any penalty: Zombies are going to eat you even after you're dead, as long as you're fresh. So it'd be near useless against them, but it's a great way to throw off other player. If you're not careful to put on in the head of someone you've just dropped, then that's your own damn fault.
  13. Scorcho

    Misfire. It might just end your life.

    That's happened to me before, discharging a weapon when I meant to open my pack or take another action. I've been lucky so far not to kill anyone else with out though. So far...