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About 00goat

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  1. 00goat

    Trapped at Rify

    Finally got the bug tracker working, so if this belongs there please close this thread.
  2. 00goat

    Trapped at Rify

    Sorry if this should've been in the bug tracker but it won't let me register. So I was exploring the shipwreck at Rify and the server went down. When I rejoined I spawned in a room with no exit. When I switched to another server I found that my room also has a loot spawn in it. I've tried vaulting/glitching through the wall, it looks like I could get away if I could get out of the room but it hasn't worked. Respawn is greyed out in the menu, so what do I do here? I'm fully healthy, hydrated, and energized, I'd rather not be waiting around until I starve to death. Help!
  3. 00goat

    About the Security Issues

    Seriously dude? This is the guy who came up with the thing you're trying to play, he's been halfway around the world with work, done god knows how many interviews, he's trying to put out about half a dozen fires, and you throw an all caps demand in a completely unrelated thread. Get over it. The server issues will be fixed when they get fixed. In the meantime you could try sodomizing a zombie.
  4. TX2, and several other servers., arma 1.60 Have successfully loaded in I loaded this afternoon after updating to, did some stuff, found some stuff, walked half the map south and met a friend, then logged out to await more friends later in the day. Now everyone is getting on, when I load on any server I spawn into "wilderness" with pine trees, which is not where I left (north of electro, next to my friend, in a deciduous forest). I do have my correct gear when I spawn in this location. According to my friends, there is at least one "legit" wilderness spawn somewhere, but they don't know where. I have spent the last hour or so trying different servers and whatnot, always spawn in the same location. TX2 is the goal, but I've had the same result everywhere I try.
  5. 00goat

    "connecting failed"

    So I'm still searching on this topic... once again I'm looking to play, my friends are all on a TX(x) server, and I get connecting failed. If it helps anyone else who may be searching on this error, some folks had luck with http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4119 However upon checking my folders I already have it set up that way. Most of those folks seem to have larger issues than just connecting to one group of servers. I see that Zounds! here has my exact issue, being locked out of TX and nothing else (that I know of). I'd like to keep this topic alive... there has to be some reason why we're having this issue. If anyone knows of specific conditions that trigger this response, please advise.
  6. 00goat

    "connecting failed"

    Not being able to get on for an hour and a half yesterday afternoon due to "waiting on server response" is an alpha mod. Having the servers go crazy due to a million players in the db is downright hilarious, and also an alpha mod. Waiting on patches and watching servers update is all stuff I take with entirely good humor. Having waited 4 hours to play the game for the above reasons, and having a group of friends playing on a "known good" server where they connect almost instantly and have daylight, and being unable to even attempt to get in breaks my patience. To be clear, this is a complete inability to even talk to the server, even just to get a "max players" message. So I'd like to know what the cause of this message is... google seems to indicate that it's not terribly uncommon. In my case it seemed to affect all of the TX servers, but not the host altitude NY servers.
  7. All of my friends have spent the last two hours playing on TX1, joining bit by bit. I cannot join this server. I don't even get max player messages or anything, just "connecting failed". I also cannot find a server with daylight. I'm slightly furious as you might imagine. I have friends that have joined in the last 5 minutes that hop right on. Explain this. and why aren't the chicago servers updated yet??
  8. 00goat

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Lol, congrats on this bug! There should totally be like a magic loot bonus for the millionth character who broke the db.
  9. 00goat

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    My game did not crash, but I had an rpt file to send them. Take a look in the folder.
  10. 00goat

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Yes, US9 listed as when I joined, but like I said, these problems were happening for some of my friends before we even discovered that was out... we were still playing on .2
  11. 00goat

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Confirming random spawning issues, for myself and my friends. Started in this afternoon having issues, still seems to be the case with One friend was stuck in "dev purgatory", unable to spawn back into the game, he kept landing in the dev forest or whatever. I myself quit from .2 a bit north of kamenka, loaded .3, and joined US9 to find myself at an airstrip *somewhere* (it just said airstrip) where I've never been. It claimed I had 23 kills and 15 headshots, but I died last night and haven't shot anything since. Seems like the DB is losing consistency?
  12. Ok, so following the formula.... 5/20/2012 I was playing with a friend, and got up onto green mountain, walked into the "radio tower" (is that what it is?) and died for no reason, just walked in the door, dead. That's a bug in itself, but not the reason for my post. Respawed near Komarovo, tried to go north to re-connect with my friend. Got lost/turned around, ended up finding the sea. Spun 180 degrees from the sea and went "north" (I realize this might be any north-ish direction from the sea, depending on the stretch of coastline). I expected to be between Komarovo and Kamenka at this point. Kept walking, ended up in the middle of *nothing*... no trees, no roads, nothing. Decided I must be somewhere between Komarovo and Balota... only place on the map that could match it for lack of trees. Kept walking, nothing. Kept walking.... and nothing. Topped a hill, and nothing but fog in the distance. My friend tells me (as I'm writing) that it must've been at least 10-15 minutes that I was walking, without touching the mouse. Walking in the same direction, nothing but bare grass ground texture and fog. The only model I saw the entire time was two pigs. Didn't cross any roads, saw nothing at all. I finally gave up and came here to report a bug. For the time I'd been walking I should've seen *something*. Edit-- When I rejoined after posting this, I spawned into "wilderness". I suicided and rejoined twice before I managed to spawn into the "normal" map. I suppose I could have gone off-map west of Kamenka, but I don't recall going through a lot of forest to get there (south edge). I don't know what the map edge "looks like" if you walk there normally edit 2 -- Reviewing the map, I suppose I could in fact have been walking north-west from the coast near Kamenka, I did walk quite a distance intially before I found the sea. I suppose I could've walked due west from Komarovo at that point, but I was fairly sure I went north from a building in Komarovo in the first place. Like I say I don't know what the edge of the map looks like normally, so perhaps this is normal, but if that's the case it would benefit from a "leaving gameplay area" message. Arma 2 v. 1.60 day-z v.1.5.7 Server was US(x)... I believe US11, not positive. System: Core i7-860 (2.8GHz), 12GB ram, GTX460 video. Timeline: visited green mountain, died from apparent building bug, respawned near Komarovo, walked in arc, ended up at coast, walked back inland into infinite nothing.