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About olaternatum

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  1. olaternatum

    Australian Clan [DT]

    This must be filled in before any TS/Server details are given out Age: 15 How often are you on DayZ: Pretty much every day. Do you have a mic: Yes. Play times: From around 10 in the morning to 10 at night on weekends, but probably 2-9/10 on weekdays. (UTC +03:00) Current Loadout: AS50, Ghillie Suit, Rangefingers,NVGS. Ideal loadout: I would like a M9 SD if that would be ok just to defend myself if need be and not aggro the whole of the map in doing so. Last time you died: About a few hours ago in a gun fight against the clan "FMF" How long have you been playing DayZ: 4 months roughly. Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: Yes, I've been in multiple groups and a clan which is "RGG" If you need to contact me add me on skype at: "joshwelch14"
  2. DayZ Name : Olaternatum How long have you played DayZ : Around 4 months. Time Zone: UTC +03:00 Will you stay loyal to our group?:I would indeed just assuming that we get a lon. What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper, I such absolute dick at an assault role. Just to add: I do have an AS50 and a ghillie so most if not any gear will not be needed. If you need to contact me add me on skype: joshwelch14
  3. APP: ====================== NAME: Josh Welch AGE: 15 TIMEZONE: UTC +03:00 CLAN EXPERIENCE: I've been in a few clans, one would be http://dayzmod.com/f...hanized-rggrar/ PVP EXPERIENCE: I've been playing DayZ for a while now(practically every day) and I'm pretty good with a sniper, not so much with an assault rifle. I'm more of an overlook type of guy. PLAYSTYLE: (MEDIC, SNIPER, ASSAULT, SPOTTER, ETC..) Sniper. This is because I'm not that great with an assault rifle in close combat. Again, I'm a sniper because I like to be more of an overlook and a kill from afar kind of guy. I know how ranging works etc. I don't mind losing gear as it's sort of a skill you need to learn with DayZ as getting attached to gear is one of the worst things you could possibly do. Plus, getting gear is easy as all you need to do is go on a high populated server and go to snipers hill and loot a dead body which probably has an AS50 on him! SKYPE:joshwelch14 Just something extra I would like to add, I already have a ghillie suit and an AS50 so most of the gear won't be needed. ']======================================================================
  4. Just a few seconds ago actually I found a friend on this server who picked me up in a chopper he had found as I suspected as he was looking for a plane supposedly, his name was Frosty. We flew to the industrial area of Fallujah where someone asked to be picked up. The person who wanted to be picked up proceeded to destroy the engine of the chopper, by this time we were on the ground and we got out and inspected the area. He was at the top of the staircase as my friend(Frosty) killed him. I went up to loot him and to find a AS50 TWS and a gold revolver on his body with the full works such as range finders and Night vision goggles. Yes I do admit maybe he got the GPS, Night vision goggles and Rangefinders legit but, I'm pretty damn sure you can't get a gold revolver. This man with the golden revolver and TWS AS50 was called "Opderlop". .. Now that wasn't even the problem. The problem was his friend who was called "ENRICO" had what it seemed teleported behind me and shot me with an AS50.. Now I didn't get aglimpse of him because he was behind me and I had checked my rear before hand. Now he claims he did not hack and giving poor excuses now if you could please deal with this that would be great. I couldn't actually take any photo's because I didn't really think he had a hacking friend who would pop out of nowhere and shoot me in the head with an AS50. Now, by is friend having an AS50 which had a thermal scope I highly suspect this man who was behind me had exactly the same thing. Again apologies for no evidence but I hope you can check the logs or something, that would be great. Thank you, Josh Welch.
  5. olaternatum

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    Steam Username: olaternatum Age: 15 You must have a mic: I have a mic. Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: I do have Team speak. Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? We agreed that it was best just to split up because we weren't working as a group. Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Nothing really, add me on skype if need be "joshwelch14"
  6. olaternatum


    Character Name: Olaternatum Real Name: Josh How Long Have You Played Dayz: For about a 4-6 weeks. What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I'm pretty good with a sniper and I'm good at following orders, anything you want I can do. Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Yes, as a player you have to realise losing gear and dying is always going to be achieved on this game so I have learnt to not get attached to my gear and it's all achievable after dying. Time Zone: United Kingdom(Wales) Age:15 Additional Comment: I can drive a helicopter/car/bike!
  7. olaternatum

    Squad Recruitment. [UCAP]

    I have a DMR and a czech but I was recently killed. I'm 15 years old. I have teamspeak but ventrilo can be downloaded easily. I can fly a helicopter and drive. just msg me if you need any more information! Skype name: joshwelch14
  8. olaternatum

    Tactical Squad(Looking for Sniper)

    Just send me an invite on skype and we will talk there! :)
  9. Tactical squad looking for a sniper to watch over us, this doesn't mean a guy with a czech pack and a CZ 550. We have a camp up north and an ATV and a GAZ. We are looking for a chopper at the moment. We have a couple of people at the moment but we are looking for a few more people. MSG me on skype. "joshwelch14"
  10. olaternatum

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Hello hit me up on steam or skype I think it would be easier to talk on there. Steam = olaternatum Skype = joshwelch14