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About XxTacTiczxX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thats very depressing just becuase im not american or canadian ur going to reject me im very hurt:(
  2. XxTacTiczxX

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    i just spawned found a military camp went to open the gate the gate knocked me down had to wait like 20 minutes to get up then had a broken leg while bleeding to death....but was still able to climb ladders lol? eventaully gave up and crawled towards a pack of zombies to unleash my own fate!!
  3. XxTacTiczxX

    Sniper squad - Recruitment

    i speak english have microphone skype and all that jazz hit me up michael.giovanelli on skype
  4. XxTacTiczxX

    Sniper squad - Recruitment

    ill give you suppressing fire !!!!
  5. XxTacTiczxX

    Looking to join or start surviver group

    skype is michael.giovanelli
  6. XxTacTiczxX

    Looking to join or start surviver group

    im looking for a group to get in with but every1 one ive tried is americian and i can never find thier sever whenever i play with americans i never have latenacy problems i play sc2 on american severs with no lag on my behalf and through this message i forgot the point i was making becuase ive had a few to many drinks im running around russia with no insentive lol
  7. XxTacTiczxX

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    bin playing a while understand the game would love to join and survive as a team..... thier is plenty of i in the team im in atm because im all alone in the woods and its dark lol :(
  8. XxTacTiczxX

    Searching for serious Team

    id be more than willing to team up military style