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About fretman60

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    On the Coast

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  1. I have tried flying the CHOPPAS in the boot camp portion of Arma II several times...lol. I, for one, suck at it and would wreck the thing every time.
  2. I have been playing for a couple of months now and I typically play on low population servers because I enjoy walking around and trying to find some sweet loot. Anyway, I swear, whether there is 1 other person besides myself, or maybe 5... I always end up being "found" by the other players. Sometimes they see me, sometimes they don't. If they don't I just let them go about their business, unless they get hostile towards me. It's strange that on such a huge map, even with the little of players on a server at the time, that every time I play that it's just pure coincidence that we "run" into each other. I often wonder if the in game map doesn't give away player's positions somewhat. Although I have never figured out, or really even tried, I have noticed that you can see other player's notes. If I'm playing with a friend I notice that I see his location on the map as well... maybe it's proximity based? I don't know.
  3. I've been playing DayZ for quite awhile now, but I am an infrequent forum poster... anyways... I considered making a new thread, but I found your post and I have to completely AGREE with the chance of becoming infected. That would add another whole aspect of this game. My twist on it was this... perhaps after dying from a zombie attack (not a PvP killing) you become an infected (or have a chance of becoming infected). Then you could play your "afterlife" as a zombie, until you die off (maybe a timer for a fixed zombie afterlife time period?), or a survivor kills you as an infected. Then respawn as we know it already... a survivor. If you are near other survivors (upon being killed by a zombie) your chance of becoming infected increases. If you are out in the woods playing alone and no survivor is within a certain distance of you and you get killed by a zombie, your chances of becoming infected decreases. This could be set in place to avoid becoming infected and then not having anything to do besides wander around and sniff other zombies. You could gain specific zombie "attack types", etc. I don't know, just a thought. . Loot would have to be limited for the infected I think. The typically zombie would probably not now how to carry or use anything beyond what the zombies carry in the game already (fairly generic not weapon items, etc.). Seems like it would add a little excitement to the game after being killed. Anyway - great ideas, keep 'em coming.
  4. fretman60

    No Six Updater Love - The end?

    Looks like six launcher is being tossed aside for a newer launcher called "Play withSix". http://www.six-updater.net/2012/08/play-withsix-dayz-1725-prerelease.html Personally, I really like what Commander has to offer: friends list, favorites, etc., but for some strange reason it kills my internet connection every time I launch it (opening to many sockets? I don't know). Anyway, so I have always used six launcher. I have also noticed that continually using six launcher has completely eliminated the coast teleporting spawning from last saved locations issues for me anyway. Six launcher gets a lot of crap from most folks it seems, but six launcher not updating to .5 yet has seemed to allow for more stability, at least in my case.