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Powell (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Powell (DayZ)

  1. Powell (DayZ)

    A look back..where our travels started.

    I miss the random body bags that would block your way all the time. Really
  2. Powell (DayZ)

    Wow, they removed trees from chernarus.

    I miss the vast forests and personally do not support the addition of new towns or cities from this point onward
  3. Powell (DayZ)

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I've had this happen to me with my machete multiple times. I look down at my hotbar and its just gone
  4. Powell (DayZ)

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    sounds like he just missed
  5. Powell (DayZ)

    Post Your Gear So Far

  6. Powell (DayZ)

    Remove "vicinity" item grabbing

    I'm pretty sure every dayz player at one time or another, especially at night, has simply opened up their inventory and walked around, waiting for items to pop up in their vicinity tab, to loot. You pay no actual attention to your immediate surroundings and simply scan the room, letting your inventory do the looking for you. This is especially prevalent at night when you have no visibility and you can just walk around, picking up items at they appear as a large, obvious icon. This completely destroys the point of spreading loot into hard to reach places, making items really small (like batteries), and takes the whole "I'm using my eyes and hands to pick up things" away. It makes looting way too easy. More than once I have quickly skimmed a military tent, saw nothing, but suddenly a huge icon showing ammo pops up into my vicinity tab letting me know there's ammo on the ground - there is no way I would have seen that otherwise unless I actually took the time to look. Thoughts?
  7. Powell (DayZ)

    Put a 9V in the walky talky

    I used to see them a few patches ago but I don't anymore. I think they don't spawn right now
  8. If bullets are gonna be more powerful then there needs to be less ammo Actually there needs to be less ammo regardless
  9. Powell (DayZ)

    What you wear....

    I wear smart camo that isn't military basically all green. I don't wear an M4 either, thats asking for trouble. No helmets or masks
  10. Powell (DayZ)

    dont go to the shore (100 pop servers)

    Sounds like the real zombies have come out to play
  11. Powell (DayZ)

    Sal's 13 Rules For Lone Wolves

    While I don't agree with a few points, I imagine a few people could benefit from this, I've been lone wolfing for about 2 years now, it doesn't really get old to me
  12. This doesn't happen. Unless, somehow, a server admin is messing with you, or you wrote this, this doesn't happen. The Devs will never play a personal role in how players play in DayZ, including adding stashes and random notes.
  13. Powell (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    What was your FPS during this? Specs?
  14. Powell (DayZ)

    New Experimental?

    its an exciting week for DayZ
  15. Powell (DayZ)

    Too little too late sums up Dayz...

    I don't really see the value in this thread besides for venting rage. Don't like it, don't play. Come back later, maybe
  16. Powell (DayZ)

    The Campaign For The Day Counter

    I actually forgot about this. It shouldn't mention your location, but I would love a day count to return
  17. Powell (DayZ)

    What happend to meele weapons?

    Yes, 2 handers are messed up at the moment, it will be fixed
  18. Powell (DayZ)

    Code of the Hunter?

    I don't have a code, I just wander and adapt to each and every situation as I see fit. I am generally friendly and don't kill unless I'm threatened
  19. When I think zombie apocalypse, its usually implied thats pretty scary
  20. I approve, especially for the audio cues. Good audio and tiny effects (don't even need gameplay) make a good game for me
  21. Powell (DayZ)

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    I think most people should strive for headshots but they should still be able to be killed with lots of damage to the body so compromise (more emphasis on headshot)
  22. Powell (DayZ)

    So I spawned somewhere new...

    I don't think anyone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in their mouths could play this game on max
  23. Powell (DayZ)

    Rocket at PAX, when is he on?

    Dean is just an honest speaker, he's not gonna mislead people saying DayZ is good right now, cause it's not. And most people will spend most of the time walking down random roads too, so it's not entirely misleading
  24. Powell (DayZ)

    make me lose my fear of losing gears

    literally just kill your character, its much easier than having someone else do it. You'll feel much better on a fresh one
  25. Powell (DayZ)

    For all you snipers out their.

    Fellow Americans, DayZ and every ArmA game is measured in meters Cause the Imperial system really makes no sense