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Slobbergoat (DayZ)

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About Slobbergoat (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I've been playing dayz for about 3 days now and have spent countless hours spawning, creeping around, finding some gear, living for a short time and then dying....rinse and repeat. That has been my whole existence, until today. I found myself running from a mob of zombies in a small village. I followed a road out of town, sticking to the trees and bushes just off the road. I needed to bandage and so as soon as I lost the zombies, I knelt down in some bushes and bandaged myself. I have yet to see a moving vehicle in Dayz, so I was a little surprised when I saw a car driving down the road towards me. My first thought was HIDE!!! So I went prone and laid in the bushes, waiting for the car to pass. As the car pulled up even with my location it stopped and I heard its horn beep. Welp, I guess he knows I'm here, lets see what happens. I figured anyone advanced enough to have a car, could easily kill me if they wanted, so what the heck, I popped up and ran out to meet my fate. I saw that the car was a police car and only a driver aboard. He was wearing a face scarf and looked pretty well geared. Just as I jumped into the car, a second police car came from the same direction and before I knew it, we were off, cruising down the road. Now, for some of you, you may say big deal, but for me, it was very cool since it was the first car I had been in. I tried chatting with my new friends, but never got a response. I wasnt sure if I was doing something wrong with the chat commands or if they just werent the chatty types. A few miles and a few villages later, we stopped near an open field. Suddenly, a helicopter appeared. It was at this point I became a little suspicious that my new friends were manipulating the matrix. I wasnt going to pass up the chance, so in I went and off we went. As much fun as the car was, the helicopter was twice as fun. We flew for about 20 minutes or so and I was simply amazed at how large the world was. I spent another half hour or so with my new friends, they took me for a ride in an army truck and another helicopter ride. I decided I wanted to try and parachute out of the helicopter and upon hitting eject, I immediately died..../shrug, oh well, I respawned in the game and played for another hour or so. I kept looking down the roads and up in the sky, hoping my new friends would return, but they never did :( Needless to say, I had a blast. I have to imagine that most hackers are asses, but apparently, not all of them.
  2. Slobbergoat (DayZ)

    Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

    Thanks dragon
  3. Slobbergoat (DayZ)

    Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

    In retrospect, I agree that playing the game like left 4 dead isnt the answer. I just wish the controls were a little more user friendly. I played arma 2 for about an hour and half and absolutely hated it. Not my kind of game. But, Dayz is very cool and I am enjoying it, minus the controls.
  4. The idea behind Dayz is awesome and could potentially be a blockbuster game, but because it uses Arma 2's engine and mechanics, it blows. I know they are going to make Dayz a stand alone game, I just hope the developer finds a different engine and goes in the opposite direction that Arma 2 has for its game. Arma 2 is one of the most counter intuitive shooters I have ever played. They dont even try and make their controls user friendly. Just trying to climb ladders, open and close doors, go through doors, picking stuff up, using stuff is a chore. Just trying to run from the prone position is a joke. I have never seen such user unfriendly controls in a shooter. It's like the developers made this game and purposefully designed the controls from scratch, not bothering to take what works in other shooters and implement it. Spacebar for jump anyone? Nope, lets use V to do some weird half jump thing. There are multiple issues just like that in Arma 2. Dayz' issues are not the hackers, the bandits or the fact that its in alpha, its issues are that it is an Arma 2 mod. Too bad this game wasnt made with the half life engine....left for dead anyone? The game would instantly be better.