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Everything posted by LordCreepy

  1. LordCreepy

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Keep it but fix the artifacts and respwan after it has been removed I find the amount of players who want it removed because it BLOCKS entrances and passages kind off amusing tough. Guess what - that is what it is designed for -.- I find them rather easy to remove too btw - given you know where to look at . Toolboxes spwan often enough.
  2. Fell trough the edge of a roof in cherno with full gear - instant death luckily i ran naked to my corpse and got most of it back
  3. I can offer a dmr;l85 aws,mk48,m4sd , as50 (Need to ask if we still have a spare one) with ammo ofc. I would also trade Tools like nvg,ghilie or gps. Our group simply has no luck finding a rangefinder or svd in the baracks since days - I hope someone can help
  4. LordCreepy

    Trading ghillies + MK48 Mod 0

    I am interested in the mk48 I think we should have a spare nvg and GPS Steamaccount equals my nick name
  5. LordCreepy

    Death by login

    Checking in to tell you that this happend twice to my friend today. we played on a relativly high ping server (roughly 120ms). My Buddy logged out to take a piss and while he reconnected he simply dropped dead right beside me and spwaned totally naked at the coast. His corpse contained all his stuff so he fought his way back to me naked dying on starvation. (his hunger thirst stats etc. didn't reset ; not even his skin resetted tough he was wearing civilan clothing) conclusion if you die to this bug --> run to your last known location and loot your body. Only way to get your stuff back I guess.