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Everything posted by joeyallthesevens

  1. Im new to Dayz and after a few attempts to instal it i have finally managed and been on a few servers through quick searc but when i try to join other servers manually i get this message, Bad version, server rejected connection. Any help would be greatly appreciated as im dying to get going on this
  2. joeyallthesevens

    We want to help you. (Medics,helpers,guides)

    Also i would love to help out if you need another guy Least i can do to thank you
  3. joeyallthesevens

    We want to help you. (Medics,helpers,guides)

    You medics on twitter?
  4. joeyallthesevens

    We want to help you. (Medics,helpers,guides)

    Link to me being saved by paintball :) The last link didnt work for me so i had to search for it
  5. Even though it says its day time before i enter Had this happen before but no idea what i did to fix it Is it possible that its the update i just did on commander for ARMA? Would just like to say this is the best forum i have ever been on as its so helpful and seems troll free for the best part, seem to get answers no matter how stupid the question is but still sorry for being a noob lol
  6. joeyallthesevens

    Storing stuff (camp)

    I have found a place i like the look of for when i die to store stuff to come back to but im wondering will my stuff stay there if i just throw it on the floor? Dont have a tent or anything like that yet
  7. joeyallthesevens

    Storing stuff (camp)

    I have found a place i like the look of for when i die to store stuff to come back to but im wondering will my stuff stay there if i just throw it on the floor? Dont have a tent or anything like that yet
  8. joeyallthesevens

    Storing stuff (camp)

    Argh! That sucks massivley I will try tents but if it messes up i will just leave it till they have fixed em and run the risk of dying The only really good thing i have is a gun that was given to be me but i can bare losing it now i know where i want to set up camp and where to go to get good stuff
  9. I cant find it at all Set all my filters off and only searching with FR 191 but nothing :( A found it, had to close commander then try again
  10. joeyallthesevens

    Storing stuff (camp)

    So im screwed either way :(
  11. I usually join servers by the first part of the name seeing as i use commander, example Uk 1234 What is this ones one? Would really like to join a friendly server
  12. joeyallthesevens

    Storing stuff (camp)

    Hmmm i cant seem to find a tent but thanks for the info cos i could have lost a lot there
  13. joeyallthesevens

    Zombies giving you nightmares when they chase you???

    :D Made me lol so much
  14. Im at the point where im passing out and cant find food but got to a hospital and got blood packs but forgot i cant give myself a transfusion *facepalm* Was wondering if anyone else needed a blood transfusion so we could do each other, i can join you which ever is easier for you Im friendly by the way Edit : I have no idea if this is how to do things so sorry if im being stupid
  15. joeyallthesevens

    Assistance needed Blood transfusion

    Check out his help thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75507-we-want-to-help-you-medicshelpersguides/ One of the good ones
  16. joeyallthesevens

    Every server i join its night time HELP please

    Like this server i wasnt lagging at all
  17. joeyallthesevens

    Every server i join its night time HELP please

    I had it set to day only but for some reason it seems to be fixed since i joined arch3r's server
  18. joeyallthesevens

    Every server i join its night time HELP please

    I have the wrong version of ARMA and no idea how to change itActually it let me join anyway im on it now lol
  19. joeyallthesevens

    Every server i join its night time HELP please

    I would like night servers if i could get my flashlight to work lol
  20. joeyallthesevens

    Still nice players out there

    I had been shot up and attacked by zombies so i posted an SOS on the forum and a kind forumer came to my rescue They offer a great service for those in trouble http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75507-we-want-to-help-you-medicshelpersguides/ If it hadnt been for them i would be dead by now Changed my ways completely cos i admit to having killed a few survivors for no other reason than kill or be killed but now im gonna run to cover and let them know im friendly but if they shoot at me im still gonna try protect myself the best i can
  21. joeyallthesevens

    We want to help you. (Medics,helpers,guides)

    paintball2x1 is my hero Came to my rescue when i kept falling unconcious and gave me a blood transfusion and a nice new gun to protect myself with Honestly cant thank you enough and will be sure to come back if i need help again Great service 10/10 :)
  22. joeyallthesevens

    Assistance needed Blood transfusion

    paintball2x1 is my hero Came and found me and gave me a much needed blood tranfusion seriously cant thank him enough :)
  23. joeyallthesevens

    Assistance needed Blood transfusion

    I think i just seen and heard him on the roof with me but i was unconcious so couldnt do anything :(
  24. joeyallthesevens

    Assistance needed Blood transfusion

    He is currently on my way to me :)
  25. joeyallthesevens

    Assistance needed Blood transfusion

    :D would be handy