Myself and 3 friends were driving a car to NWA at approx. 10-11pm server time last night (approx 11pm-midnight our time), when the server suddenly became 9:00am without restarting (all our NVGs immediately got washed out and we almost crashed the car). There was only one other person in the server at the time, we continued to NWA, and encountered that person driving a Black SUV. The SUV chased us down the tarmac, we stopped and got out of our car, and shot at it while the cheater sat in the back seat of his SUV. The SUV exploded, he disappeared, and we got back in our car and left. About 1 minute after that the cheater warped infront of our car as we were driving and shot at us. At that point we decided we had no chance against this jerk, so we left the server. I included a screenshot of the player list, TooTall, Nero, Carl Winslow, and Feral are me and my friends, 'I killed you im sorry' is the cheater. I know you can barely see it in this pic with my terrible graphics, but the black SUV is on the left side of the screen next to the word 'Backspace'.