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About Ichneumon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ichneumon

    I am the manhunter.

  2. Ichneumon

    Developer Interview

    I guess its just a way to get more in depth answers to questions which cant be summed up in a quick forum post.
  3. Ichneumon

    Developer Interview

    Alot of players attempt to view DayZ as a microcosm of human behaviour and speculate about what would happen in a real life DayZ. Do you think that this sort of speculation (often based on no evidence) is an asset to the game development or a hinderance? To what extent do you think that choices and consequences in a game can effect a players morality outside of a game? Do you think it is possible for the medium of video games to influence a persons views on subjects such as murder, and as the developer of DayZ are these sorts of influences something you try to build into the mod? Game communities often get heavily invested into their favourite franchises. Do you see the role of the DayZ community expanding in the future or retracting as DayZ morphs into a professionally developed title? What aspects of game development are aided the most by community input? How did you gain the coding and system skills that you now employ to develop the mod? Did you pursue tertiary education or were you self taught to some degree? Which resources would you suggest are valuale to a person wanting to learn these sorts of skills? How would you feel about DayZ LAN events and would you attend? You've mentioned that as the mod progresses and gains popularity you have had to be more careful about what you say on the forums. Could you elaborate on this?
  4. Ichneumon

    Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

    Not sure how that relates to what I said. I wasnt suggesting a reduction in spawns or anything, I was suggesting simple name changes and a mechanic for the spread of colds as opposed to getting them when cold.
  5. Ichneumon

    Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

    "He's right, you know. Celcius is the correct way of measuring temperature around Earth." Well thats pretty subjective even though I agree that the Metric system is much more widely accepted (including scientific literature). The Kelvin scale would be far better because it is based on the objective measurement of absolute zero, i.e the coldest temperature at which matter can exist. Some really good suggestions here. I would be really happy if Antibiotics' as they are implemented now were changed to 'Antivirals' considering the much discussed fact that a cold is actually a virus. And then change it so you have to come into contact with a player that has caught a cold to catch one because of the other well discussed fact that simply being cold doesnt mean you will get a cold. Perhaps all zombies can be afflicted with a cold so if one contacts you at all or gets to within say 2 meters of you, you have a risk of catching a cold also. I know people have already said elsewhere that its nit-picking to suggest that colds a re viruses and not effected by antibiotics but its one of those annoying myths that never goes away.