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Spartacus (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Spartacus (DayZ)

  1. Spartacus (DayZ)

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    No vehicles on US 2123 sucks donkey balls
  2. Spartacus (DayZ)

    Taking away even more access to our servers?

    Well this sucks. Hopefully this can be resolved because I have no idea why they are taking this much control away, theres so many issues with the game and admins can help, and we don't mind the work.
  3. I'm thinking of hosting a server with you with the VPS $50 option. Do you have servers running a 50 slot server with this option?
  4. Spartacus (DayZ)

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    He's right, it was great at 1.6, but the recent update to 1.7.4 really fucked me over, lost everything since the zombies can now hear me/see me at night running easier than they can hear my gunfire. guess I'll wait till it gets reverted/fixed
  5. If you guys are friendly why did one of you come hunt us down on a separate server? Not cool
  6. I kind of like some of the instances of cheating I've seen so far, artillery, planes etc, it seems to add to the intensity knowing you are hopelessly outgunned. its also realistic. Ijust wish there were more points to fight over on the map with things like this in. As in artillery posts, maybe better airfields. However I don't like it when your inventory just gets wiped or everyone gets insta-killed.