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Everything posted by Tassadarh

  1. Tassadarh

    Celcus to Ferenheit option?

    I'm not even sure it's Celsius... if my temp is 42 I guess I'm gonna have a bad time... BTW I wonder: Why does everybody in the world use the Celsius except Cayman Island, Belize and USA?
  2. Tassadarh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    I was talking about the Italian Mafia, meaning mafia in italy (Cosa Nostra, N'drangheta, Camorra Sacra Corona Unita etc). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernardo_Provenzano I think this guy has spent more time doing crimes than in jail. He kinda "chose" to go to prison, smiling like "meh I'm old I don't care". Of course they had to watch their backs (don't bandits do the same? Don't we ALL do the same?).. but that's a bit different situation. In the world we have a system of laws and ways for enforcing the law. Remove that. What are you gonna do? Call da police? All we need to do is to create an actual server community and report the bandits. Just use the mouse wheel and find out the name of the bandit. It's not that hard =) I know that some people might be a bit disappointed to see all their effort disappear when a random bandit shoot them in the face... but that's a part of the game and a BIG part of "post-apocalyptic world setting". We need to enhance the social factor of the game. Better way to communicate and put some effort on being a part of the community.
  3. Tassadarh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    If you are right and this actually happens when why to make a mechanic about it? It will happen without need to force it. Some survivors will always manage to kill a bandit. That's your Karma. BTW I definely disagree with you... look at the italian mafia in italy or some Nazi WW2 criminals. They get away with their crimes and lived happily ever after.
  4. Tassadarh

    After playing for a week or so..

    I'm just saying posting in the wrong section gives the thread a whole different message. You post it here, it looks like you're ranting about something without a "positive" attitude. You post it in suggestion forum, it looks like you are reporting a problem to be solved in this phase of development BTW I haven't gave you a negative reputation point =)
  5. Tassadarh

    After playing for a week or so..

    First of all: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3502 Because that's good to remind. Anyway. Among planned features: Player "safe" houses. I think that's gonna add one or two things to do ;)
  6. Tassadarh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    It's pop culture, where zombies come from. Why I shouldn't? =D
  7. I'm sure that in every zombie film people cooperate together without killing each other. And if they do, they get "punished" in some way. OH WAIT! http://youtu.be/U7GFg1MG13I?t=5m9s "I made bandits kill survivors before it was mainstream"
  8. Tassadarh

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    Oh noes, this is the zombie apocalypse! We ought to work together or I'll kick you out of the server! Why on earth we should kill each other? Yeah. During the apocalypse people will work together for sure. Yeah.
  9. Tassadarh

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    Brace yourself, wall of text is coming! 1) And do you really think in a pseudo zombie apocalypse people will start to cooperate just because "OMG we are in danger!". Have even seen a single zombie movie? I'll just makes things easy and I ask you to watch "Night of the Living Dead" from George Romero, made in 1968 (watch out for the Tom Savini remake... it's still nice but let's start from the beginning). When you managed to see it (buying the DVD, watching on TV or streaming, don't care... just watch it!) go back here and read what I'm writing. What happened in the movie? People are in trouble, in a big trouble. They should cooperate, that's the most logical thing to do! And what happens? The exact opposite. That's the MAIN theme of the movie and one of the things that made that movie a CULT. They were not cooperating, they were all being selfish (especially one character... but all in all they screw up everything). Want some more examples? Look "Dawn of the Dead", again from Romero (this time, the remake is totally different here, watch the original). Right at the end of the movie (watch it please and then scroll down)... ... a group of "bandits" raid the Mall and kill EVERYTHING people and zombies alike. Why? Because that's what happens when you throw people in a situation like that! We CAN'T have any kind of "incentive to work together". And from what I know bandits tend to work together, it's just a different kind of gameplay. And THAT'S what makes this game so innovative, even in terms of sandbox gameplay. There is NOT one way to play this game. You can do whatever you want. I am not a bandit, I just killed people that started to shoot me (most likely I died). The only time I killed an innocent person it was when one of my buddies has been killed by a bandit (with the survivor skin, way before the last update). I killed the bandit and right outside the building there was this guy watching. I said "indentify" or "Go away" or something like that. He circled the building and tried to enter from the back door. I was faster then him and I was waiting at the other door. He came closer. I started to shoot. Bang bang bang. A whole makarov magazine. Never seen so much bleeding in a body. He collapsed. And my murder counter became 1 from 0. I felt horrible. And that's why I don't kill and I just say people to STAY AWAY. You want teamwork? Talk, make yourself known in the server you play and start to play with some random people. Sometimes you'll get betrayed, shit happens. Just mark down the game and warn EVERY person you meet about that bandit. That's what we should do. We should do things on our own and not pretending that the games do everything. 2) Totally agreed. We need a real voice communication. I can't risk my life to write "identify!". 3 and 4) You're totally wrong. Permadeath is the new casual. If someone dies, he loose everything, so apparently we are all in the same boat. Also, you just need a few hours of gameplay to gear up and the more you do it the less time you spend on gearing up. That's the MAIN feature of the game: scavange for equipment. If we start to put "objective" and remove the permadeath DayZ will be a freaking Theme Park mmo... and a pretty shitty one. This is a sandbox game, YOU make the objectives. Total freedom. 5) That's just a different way of playing the game, if you don't like it, don't play that way, but you can't force other people to do so. If we remove "free" bandits, this game is gonna become much less exciting and more "safe". The zeds are pretty much laughable. The real enemies of the games are the other players. Too bad you don't know which of them, making this game really challenging, exciting and different from all the games out there. Is this a game for everybody? Absolutely not. This is not a "press to win" game. Actually I think this is one of the very few games (if not the only one) which is totally outside from that logic.
  10. Tassadarh

    This game ... !

    Imma gonna solve this! http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1355 Anyway, as everybody said: Like it or not, this is an Alpha, meaning it is still in development and not finished and you can't blame anyone but yourself if you "wasted" your money on Arma 2 and OA. You haven't spent even an euro on the mod, it's 100% free. You have bought an another game, not DayZ. More importantly, as every game ever existed, before you press the "play" button you should go to the video option and adapt the settings to your computer. If the games run slow or not as intended, MAYBE you should go to video option again and play with the settings a bit. And, guess what? We have a forum called Troubleshooting where we actually try to help people like you. All you have to do is try not to be polemic and keep in mind that the problem might be YOURS and not because of the game.
  11. Tassadarh

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    And how about bandit skins? Are they gonna be removed in 1.6.0?
  12. What? I meant that it was pretty lazy from us to expect the game to tell us who we should shoot. If we keep the bandit skins, it's like having a HUGE help from the game itself telling us almost "everything" of that person just by our first sight. That is quite a passive interaction between players. Instead I proposed a more "active" way of interaction, forcing the community to stick together as much as possible. Right now no one can "fake" their identity in the chat room or when is being "inspected". We KNOW the name of the person in front of us. That is pretty unrealistic but I think that's a good compromise. Now, if we know the person in front of us is a well known bandit on the server we know what to do. That will only lead to straighten the community and forcing people to cooperate. If you want to be alone, you should be a bandit. As for the "it's a game" part. Yes, I know that. Even Battlefield 3 is a game, even The Sims is a game. But DayZ relies on his realism and lack of balancing, trying to best represent a fictional post-apocalyptic universe where the saying "Everyman for himself and God against all" is on every lips. ANYWAY I pretty much explained my point of view and it's pretty clear we have very different ideas on how the game should develop. If I sounded a bit rude I apologize myself but I wanted to be extremely clear on the subject trying to "make my voice count" in the discussion as I think you did =)
  13. And don't you love it? You're on a constant lookout, not being able to trust 100% anyone. Sure there'll be psychopaths who kill whoever they came across (I think their are a part of the post-apocalyptic environment afterall), but also there won't be anymore "good zone". We are all gonna dwell in a grayish zone where you might have to "break some eggs to make an omelette". And... come one... communication capabilities? Like there's any way to tell if someone is a bandit or not even if you put all our senses in the game... Even in RL they will answer "I'm friendly!" with a full smile before stabbing you in the back. Players on a server are somewhat the same everytime. There will be known bandits in the server and the people (except newcomers) are gonna start to avoid them/kill them. I met a guy few days ago, saying "hey come over here". I asked in the global chat who he was and people said it was a bandit. In the end I got killed, but the next time I'm gonna be more careful and listen more to the other players! Remove the bandit skins at once, then we'll start to rely more on the community of the server.
  14. What a load of nonsense. Nobody is saying you shouldn't be able to kill people, straw man arguments abound. It's not a "self imposed moral rule", it's part of our evolution. The only people who punish you are the other survivors. You want to be able to be a psychopath? That's fine, be a psychopath, but you should expect consequences. You want to shoot a guy over the excuse of beans because you're to lazy to go a couple minutes over there to get some, that's your choice. You want to be a total douchebag? Wear the douchebag colors then. Why do people kill bandits? Because they are dangerous people and the community rightly judges them to be apart from them. You want to behave in a way that alienates you and makes you an outcast, but you don't want to have to deal with the survivors judgments about your behavior. Nobody is saying you shouldn't be able to do those things, but you should not be immune to any consequences....which you are when the bandit skin is gone. When you say "we" you mean you, you don't speak for me. People want to act like assholes and not have to worry about dealing with the consequences. The bandit mechanic should have been improved, not removed. There shouldn't have been ANY bandit mechanic at all! Does people in RL have a label on their heads? No and that's what makes RL hard and challenging. Why does everyone wants the GAME to all the job? Right now is very easy to report bandits (just say their names in the global chat and they are screwed, no one will trust them anymore). And that's PLAYERS job, not gameplay. What are we gonna do in the future when the global chat is gone? We'll start telling legends and stories to those we met, telling them to do not trust this or that player. And that's a players driven mechanism. All we have to do is start to be creative and solve problems by our own and not asking for a "God message from the sky/easy gameplay mechanics" for every problem. And afterall, I don't really think the "bandits" sees DayZ some sort of "big world deathmatch". We're still 50 players per servers, it's not THAT easy to find someone and deathmatch lovers want everything to be FAST. DayZ is everything but fast.
  15. Tassadarh

    Food and water being used offline

    Then Imagine you're in that situation. You're actually STUCK and your character decide to stay there for some time to see how the situation develop. Time passes and you start to become thirsty... It seems to me the game managed to show this situation perfectly. Is just like RL (if zombies exist). I think we should keep the actual state, it's very realistic. Afterall the worst thing it could happen is death, so there's nothing to worry about. Shit happens.
  16. Tassadarh

    Food and water being used offline

    Wüstenfuchs is right. This game is about survival. If you "tent to carry only pepsi" and prefer other stuff than perhaps you haven't understood the real meaning of "important supplies". As long you don't log in just to find out you died from starvation, it's fine with me. It is just as you just wanted to be safe for a while and barricaded inside of somewhere/camped in the woods. Problem is: you need supplies.
  17. Tassadarh


    I haven't logged after the new patch but... the temperature is in Fahrenheit?! Yeah, fuck logic.
  18. Tassadarh

    What happens when you die ingame?

    I'm starting to understand why rocket is so fond on tears. They are delicious.
  19. Tassadarh

    New Zombies/ Small Bosses?

    No. No "special zombies" of any sort. No. Never. That's final. I'm sick of these "mini-bosses" in zombie games. We're here because we like zombies, not bulky freaks with personal soundtrack. They does not have anything to do with zombies, you'll be making special "mechanics" as if they are intended to be eliminated. No, just no. You are supposed to AVOID zombies not to eliminate them. You want the game to be more challenging? Ask for more zombies. You want more variety? Ask for more skins and animations for the zeds.
  20. Tassadarh

    Melee weapons

    I have puzzled thoughts on melee. I do think we should have an sort of last chance when we are out of ammo. Mind that I wrote "last chance". Using melee weapons should be difficult and extremely dangerous and not just a "action movie flick" like in L4D. A very slow swing of the weapon? a cooldown for attack? be possible to attack when we're completely still (and standing) or just when a zed is already attacking us? I dunno which mechanics is better... but we should have the chance to kill a zed (just one... if there are more than one you're just screwed) when we're out of ammo.
  21. Tassadarh

    Food and water being used offline

    Why it's such a big deal? How hard it is to keep couple cans of food and bottles of water / soda with you always? It's not like food and drinks are hard to find in the game. If you could die while being offline I could understand it being a problem' date=' but getting more thirsty and hungry while offline... it simulates your character being asleep while you are away. [/quote'] Even being logged out for an entire week? That won't instakill me when I log? That's something new I know, thanks. Well in that case it's just fine the way it is ^^
  22. Tassadarh

    Food and water being used offline

    I just started playing a few days ago and I haven't noticed this (you know, I just discovered DayZ and I kinda play every day, for now). Anyway I think this offline thirst/hunger progression should be removed... after all if I don't manage to play 1 week just because I'm in holiday/working/living a non-zombie apocalypse life why should I be punished?