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Everything posted by felix-unso

  1. felix-unso

    First vehicle you ever drove?

    V3S, we were in Cherno when my friend say's: "there's a truck, repaired and shit". Mucho Gear. :D
  2. felix-unso

    Cars stillt not saving?

    the Gear of our V3S was gone after a Server Restart, but it still stand there where we saved it...
  3. felix-unso

    Favorite DayZ youtubers

  4. felix-unso

    Shit DayZ players say (contribute!)

    wait wait wait that's me! *bäng* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
  5. felix-unso

    Whats your worst Dayz luck?

    found a V3S 2 Days ago, yesterday a big camp, looted it, saved the v3s, Serverrestart, everything gone. -___- have to drive to the camp again...
  6. felix-unso

    Hitler finds an M107

    to bad that i understand german. :0
  7. felix-unso

    Day Z Wallpapers

    it's not 1366x768, i have this size, but it isn't big enough. :(
  8. felix-unso

    Wiping all of dayZ

    why is it so bad that people, which spend Time in this game, have better gear than you? my friend and i died 2 days ago, so we began yesterday to find new gear, and how we were? fine. we found one AK, one M4A1 and a fucking big camp, where we found lots of good weapons... if you search, you find good gear and don't have to ask questions with answers like the first...
  9. felix-unso

    Finding a Home.

    i'll never stay log enough to call anything 'home'... when i find a vehicle, it's my home.. ;)
  10. a few meters to my friend with the Medical-Gear^^
  11. felix-unso

    DayZ Screenshots!

    seen a boat today on a street near the Ocean. How much did he drank that he droven it that bad?
  12. My Friends and me found a V3S with more epic loot! over 10 Weapons, ~100 Items, and so on... Then the next day, a ATV with a weapon and a lot items... and the next day, a GAZ with a few weapons and so on... we lived around 3 Days, then everything changed. =( My friends played without me, then they where attacked, all of them died... everything was robbed.. =( here is the v3s: