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7 Neutral

About ManicHomicide

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North London
  • Interests

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  • Bio
    My name is Dan and im 21.. big number i guess.. Live in North London, born in Moscow, Russia. Moved to UK when i was like.. 2 or something like that.. can speak English,French and Russian.
    Currently developing an indie game to be released this time next year and working on a website due to be published this month with a friend for our business.
    Love to go for bike rides bright and early in the morning, usually around when the sun rises, and football is a major part of my life be it playing it, watching it or gambling on it :) had Trials for professional football team when i was 15 at Barnet Town FC.
  1. ManicHomicide

    What gender do you usually choose?

    Play as a male because i'm male :o
  2. ManicHomicide

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I would like loot to be removed so you die a slow death.
  3. ManicHomicide

    hacker streaming on twitch

    The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations.