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About RedSeptember

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RedSeptember

    The hacker who ruined my story

    I was out of action for a few months, but just downloaded ARMA CO today. At work ATM, so will play for a few good hours tonight.. hope it goes well. Missed DayZ alot. Twas Franki who got me back into it. How are the new maps? Whats that one called where its mainly flat land and I believe it has a snowy mountain?
  2. There is an unsettling hunger to pull this cold, smooth and irresistible trigger. I can see him, but he can’t see me. That alone creates a bittersweet feeling coursing through my veins…… A drop of rain hits my barrel and is followed by millions of drops, creating a sound of a disturbed beehive in the distance, that sound of anger, confusion and determination. You could say organized chaos….. My sight slowly begins to turn hazy and my scope starts fogging up……. And yet he still couldn’t see me. My victim is oblivious to what is about to happen to him. He looks so peaceful, so content…. sneaking around and being alert to all the elements surrounding through his senses. Looking for some loot? Waiting to meet his friends? Made a truly exciting plan to raid the NW airfield? It didn’t matter to me. I had my plan. I had my sick and exciting plan already thought of…. And he still couldn’t see me…. My Heart was about to beat through my chest. Finally it’s time for me to play God. All my life I have been waiting for this moment, it was here…. My fingers tighten around my rifles grip like a python crushing its prey… my finger extends to the trigger like a predator sneaking out of the dark and dangerous shadows to claim him prize… his life… Inhale….. exhale….. I get ready to fire… WAIT! What is this? Suddenly 50 cows float out of the sky with parachutes.. my target flees for his dear bambi life…BOOM! A friggen nuke blows up nearby! BAM! I’m dead… all I see in global is HACKER HACKER WTF FTW TROLOLOLOL…. Seriously you hacking ********, you just ruined what could have been a good ending :/.
  3. Hi guys, I usually play on German/UK servers. So if anyone is interested in taking me in or is also bored, has a mic and is looking for company feel free to contact me. Steam ID: virusspread thanks
  4. IGN: Omar Country: UAE/Dubai Language: English Steam user. virusspread What do I like to do? I like doing many things, from simply hunting down animals for that juicy steak, city raids, stalking. You name it! I pretty much love doing anything in this game and most of all i am a team player :). I am good at being a lone wolf and lets just say I never mind taking 1 for the team. Hope to hear from you dudes!