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About sLiiixZ

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sLiiixZ

    Bandit lf Clan

    Hi my Name is Marcus and im 24 y old, playing Dayz since the beginning and lf a clan now with many players who ONLY play dayz and no other shittie games like bf3-4 or cod. i want a clan whos perma on at dayz, i dont need a gaming community!!! 1 game is enough! im have a high experince in playing dayz and i dont care if u speak english or german even german is better. u need to use ts ofc!
  2. sLiiixZ

    Ping Faker

    thx for the answers guys, i got no problems with killing zombies or player with my ping. sometimes its at 60 ms so im fine...its just the fact that i getting kicked from time to time...and mostly when i fly a heli ofc :D
  3. sLiiixZ

    Ping Faker

    Hello Guys, sometimes I have a very High Ping ingame and i keep getting kicked and crashed many helis when i get kicked. is there any way to fake the ping? ty
  4. If u want to join our Community u can also register at http://darkangelsgaming.com/
  5. Hello Players around the World =) After many Problems with our latest Server-Host (trust me there were ALOT of Problems -.-") we are glad to say WE ARE BACK!!! We moved to another Server-Host and u are able to play again with us! --> <-- Content: - Auto Refuel - Unique Skins - Custom Towns - Debug Monitor - Street Lights - Self Bloodbag - Extra Vehicles - Military Bases - More Heli Crashes - Remove Vehicle Parts - Custom Weapons & Loot & many many more!!! Every1 is welcome to join! U are a Bandit? Awesome! U are a Hero? Even better! Come and Play with us! We are a friendly Community with awesome ACTIVE Admins and Moderators! --> <-- Join the fun right now! U won´t regret it! --> <-- Teamspeak: ts.darkangelsgaming.com Homepage: http://darkangelsgaming.com/ DA - sLiiixZ
  6. Wie das Topic es schon sagt such ich einen aktiven Clan, am besten mit eigenem Server und Teamspeak. Bin 24 Jahre alt und zocke schon ne ganze Weile DayZ, hatte aber bis vor kurzem eine längere Pause eingelegt. Bin sehr erfahren und recht aktiv solange es die Arbeit zulässt ^^ WIchtig wäre mir das der Clan ein "Banditenclan" ist und immer auf der Suche nach anderen Spielern und der dazugehörigen Action ist :P Bei weiteren Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung und würde mich freuen wenn jemand Bock hat einen Spieler in die eigenen Reihen aufzunehmen :) Ich suche keinen Kinderclan, sprich Member sollten 16+ sein bzw sich benehmen können! mfg sLiiixZ
  7. Hi Guys, I got the Steam Version of ARMA2oa and tryed to make everything right. Now if i push the Shortcut it shows me this: what did i wrong? thx EDIT: thats my shortcut, may i did something wrong? "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -skipIntro -mod=@DayZ_DIAF EDIT2: ok fixed but now it says "ca_dupping_counterattack", well i copyd the addon folder form arma2 to arma2oa folder but still says the same message...help me pls :D