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About Vendayn

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Thanks for the replies. :) Well, guess a bit early to know for sure then. It does make sense to wait till after alpha though, since things do need to be tested and what not. Hopefully they let you, but maybe the public stuff will be better.
  2. Right now, there are private hives you can setup...but I spent 12 hours (pretty much all day) trying to get it to work and it was the biggest pain to setup. There is of course servers you can pay for, but those are very expensive and I don't want to deal with a third party at all. Now, I did manage to make my own private hive ages ago. It took a while to setup, but that was when artifacts were really bad and never did manage to get one working again. It was me, my best friend and his cousins+uncle. And it was exactly how I thought DayZ was going to be like. A zombie survival game where teamwork was very important. Not a, deathmatch pvp game where you just shoot everyone and zombies can be completely ignored. Hundreds of zombies spawned around us, all the time. It was scary, FAR more scary than the public servers. People aren't scary, they are just damn annoying. And it was the most fun we had in DayZ. In fact, it was most fun we all had in a game. Our experiences with public servers are: Hey look! This server is really good and very few play on it. The admins are friendly. Oh...the server magically went away (got turned off). Hey! This server is pretty good. Oh, but the admin is a hacker. Or there is a bunch of hackers on the server. Then it gets turned off anyway Hey a hardcore server! But the people are rude Hey this server is good. But, too many people play it and its not scary anymore. Most of the time, we get a camp setup and do really good and the server gets turned off. Which is really really lame. The only servers that seem to stay up are popular ones, but those are too boring. We got dayz for zombie survival, we have call of duty and battlefield for pvp. So with that rant out of the way. Anyone know if we can make our own servers in the standalone without having to go to a third party? Has that been confirmed? All me and my friends want, is our own server where we can play dayz as a zombie game. Not a call of duty game where you kill everyone. We just want to play with us, and our small group of family/friends. When we did that before, it was far more fun and FAR more scary.
  3. This morning, I was able to connect on my home server just fine. Then as of an hour ago, I can't connect to it or any other server. Tried 7 servers now and it is just "loading", and I waited 5 minutes for each one. Is this happening to anyone else?
  4. I'm bored and feel like posting something that happened to me just the day before. I was looting Cherno when I met a group of 3 guys chilling in the supermarket. Being my friendly self I say, "Herro? I'm fwiendly." They say, "Hurry in before you attract unwanted attention." So I head over to them, and 1 of the guys asks why I sound retarded. Again being friendly *Yet not smart enough to give my real life reason* I tell them I am not native of English. Then they laugh like The Joker and say to get the f*ck out of this game. Now when someone makes fun of me, I get angry, but when someone makes fun of how I talk, then I get furious. I yell at them, "We retards aren't all stupid douche-bags you know." And they reply, "Yeah, right. Your mother tell you about the tragic tale of your birth yet?" And they laugh HARD. Then, I snap, raise my AK, scream like a barbarian-indian, *no racisim intended* and fill them all with lead. I have a good laugh myself, then take some of their gear. AS-50, Revolver, Bizon, FN FAL, lots of good stuff. I got killed about 20 minutes later by a sniper. "LOLZ U SHUD ZTOP WINING ABOT SNIPEZ" He killed me with a M1911, BURN!! Take that assholes. Thus concludes my thread which has no reason being here, but is because I'm bored.
  5. Just ignore the trolls. Almost every thread, even threads with constructive feedback...get trolls responding "lol its alpha trololol"...trolls are obvious trolls As for the topic. Seems to be server specific with disappearing tents. The server I'm on, I have 5 tents (3 new ones) and a red sudan. Found a bunch of stuff last night at someones camp. Came on today, and everything is still there. Except one of the new tents may have eaten a test item I put in, and maybe a second one did too. I don't recall if I put anything in them or not. In any case, I put in one item in both tents, and see if they disappear or not. Supposedly, if a tent eats an item once...it won't happen again after that. But that was in, so not sure if that is still true. But the server I play on, seems way better than others I've played...in terms of persistance and non-buggyness.
  6. Vendayn

    Retention Dropping

    I would play, but the graphic artifacts make it unplayable. Go anywhere with military zombies (even deer stands)...major artifact bug. So that cuts out more than half the gameplay. Go to cherno...bugged Go to elektro...bugged Randomly go somewhere in the wilderness, if it has barbed wire or dead bodies...bugged So I haven't logged on for a month now. I noticed player activity went WAY down when that bug was introduced. And the bug has never been fixed, for a month.
  7. Vendayn

    Yep, this mod is dying

    The problem isn't the hackers for me. I've encountered a few, but those were on crowded servers. The problem is. And my friend stopped playing too. Major graphics glitches in Elektro, Cherno, NW airfield, randomly in the wilderness (near dear stands probably)...almost every place has graphic artifacts. I noticed when this major, game breaking (yes game breaking because the airfield and military places are the best and most fun places in the game, and sort of end game stuff)...that the population started quickly going down. I bet people (maybe not all, but some/a lot) stopped playing due to the graphic artifacts. That pretty much make the game unplayable, unless all you do is sit in your camp and staring at the sky all day.
  8. I moved only the anim files and when trying to login to the server is just "loading" and that is it. I put back the default anim files, and it loaded in fine
  9. Is all that is needed is the animation files? Not sure if I want to fully go 100% to I would need to downgrade my server, which seems like that would be a pain to do.
  10. That doesn't make sense. Rocket stated in the lifestream he WANTS people to make private servers, partly as a way to deal with hackers. It came from the head guy hmiself.
  11. Rocket already said he wants people to be able to make their own servers (shortly after 49 minutes into the video, during the thunderdome hack)...thought it may be possible now though. If it is, I don't know how it is done.
  12. I would like to start a private server for a small group of friends. No, it wouldn't be connected to the HIVE...so it would have no effect on anyone else. And we would be able to test the mod better, without worrying about hackers. Maybe open it up to some other people that may want to join, to create a competitive atmosphere. But we would be able ot better deal with hackers. In this video, somewhere shortly after the machinama group gets hacked into thunderdome (a bit after 49 minutes), rocket said he wanted people to be able to make their own DayZ servers: If I understood it right. Is it possible to do so now? Or do we have to wait for Rocket to officially come out with being able to do so? I would hope to be able to host just off my PC, since servers are really expensive. At least good ones are. Thanks :)
  13. Cool, thanks LeOverlord :) Have some beans for first one to show a base :)
  14. We're not doing it to protect items. We die and lose items all the time (though we do keep backups). It is all part of a sandbox game. We just think it would be cool to have a fort of some kind or "military" style base. Whether people get around it or not by switching servers, they can do that. Besides, we don't even keep items in one place...they are spread out. Making a fort or whatever it ends up being, seems like a rather awesome "end game" thing to do (of many that we've so far thought of), even if people log off on another server or whatever it is they want to do.