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About Sadisto

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Sadisto

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Alright i've been carrying around this can of Mountain Dew around me for a while now, nothing stranged happened till now. Will now make my way towards Green Mountain and drink it at midnight.
  2. Sadisto

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    HAVE: a SVD Camo with 12 Magazines from some random guys tent WANT: a Ghilie and a few FN FAL mags would be sweet
  3. Can you explain further? might apply for it if it suits me right
  4. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright got help from Havocfive was a fast and friendly response and got quick up on my feet again Kudos to you mate!
  5. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Third times a charm I am at the NW Airfield behind the firestation in that little wood i'm down to 2400 blood and constantly lose consciousness also could need a bandage or two since im all out
  6. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    @sethsmith42 That's an Infection will keep decreasing your blood until your down to 6000 i think You should take or find antibiotics asap
  7. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If there is one i tell him to go after you first seeing as i don't have work soon and only have low blood
  8. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still need a blood transfusion at the NW Airfield
  9. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright after being fixed up by Kowlaski not longer than 1 hour ago i found bike and drove around with it long story short I'm down to 2400~ blood and somehow mangaged to drive my bike unconscious behind the NW Airfield firestation in that little forest can somebody give me hand.
  10. I don't shoot unarmed players, I keep an eye on them and move my way Now if they do have a weapon my trigger fingers itching
  11. When someone says they are friendly they're 70% of the time not When someone says they are friendly while in elektro or cherno they're 120% of the time not
  12. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need a Medic i'm lying between Guglov and Novy Sobor at the bycicle spawn at the crossroads my blood is down to 6000 and have no bandages or painkillers
  13. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is there a Medic avaible that can hook me up with medical supplies? I'm somewhere around Novy Sobor at a deer stand don't have the exact location Edit: I can only give you some food though half my backpack is full with it
  14. Sadisto

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Stopping the Medical help for the time being seeing as i spawned in a wall and died a horrible death will be back in a day or two Godspeed Medics
  15. Sadisto

    Your First Murder

    I would probably call the police