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Everything posted by suKi

  1. I was once a complainer, then I read a few forum posts and changed my game play. I can honestly say that if you have disagreements with this game, or dislike it, or have a billion complaints towards an "ALPHA MOD" NOT ONLY is it alpha but its not even a complete GAME. If you have any of the above ^ I really think you are playing the game wrong. I used to sneak around KOSing and what not in NWAF, trying to keep all my gear and stuff and got REALLY pissed when someone happened to kill me. Is that the whole game? No I changed my game play completely and now I just hunt idiots who even have a gun. Firing it and what-not in ELEK like they rule the joint, I sneak around killing those who kill innocent, with a hatchet. I don't even care if I die. I just love revenge on KOS bastards! If you have disagreements with the game, find a new approach that doesn't consist of getting BIS loot and camping one place. I've found a whole new game. I love it!
  2. suKi

    For those complainers !

    its people like you that i hunt!! Thankyou for existing ! :3 I often walk behind that hill where the trees are and hatchet :3
  3. suKi

    For those complainers !

    Sir, you are soo correct! Having gear is fantastic! having none is even better :D
  4. 3rd person because I HATE THE HEAD BOB.. most likely others do too :|
  5. Well if they aren't doing anything in this alpha mod, i sure as hell hope they are focusing their time on soemthing else. I kind of cant wait for this game to turn even better, with groups and less KOSing
  6. Is there such role which a player can become a medic? Someone that everyone knows they can trust that heals with blood bags? Perhaps this player hangs around hospitals to heal the lone-players Is there already such thing? and how do you avoid being shot when helping others?
  7. suKi

    Medic Role?

    rofl @scerun and twitch13 .__.'
  8. Maybe my personal experience will help you. Since I am a new player I have actually aborted to avoid a gun fight. I have been shot on different occasions and aborted. Ive had broken legs, bleeding and shock. Sometimes when leaving the server with shock and then joining another server the shock has "magically" dissapeared, maybe glitch or maybe not. I would then bandage up, Morphine and continue my journey on a "safer" server. Because I was only new I had nothing but a Makarov and a Hatchet D: I realize the gayness of aborting, now. But I also have adapted to the un-humanely-ness of majority of players. Here I was thinking maybe 50% would be friendly 50% wouldn't. Running around in clear view for other players.. in major cities is definitely NOT a good idea.
  9. IMO If they weren't easily found - Like most of the people here are saying.. It would be better. Various times I have seen the AS50 and M107 on dead bodies. I'm going to take a wild guess that they were hackers.. I've seen an M107 in a barracks but my friend got the joy of keeping it. He then died to a guy with the exact same gun from god knows where. It would be better for the game to be like "There's a sniper OMG BEST LOOT IN GAME WE ARE GOING TO BE SO OP" rather than "yay another hacker gives us this sniper"
  10. hahahah I also love achievements. Would be nice to have some. MAYBE IN STAND ALONE :o
  11. Well with a big number of kills on the screen would make the player play safe and hunt you down! OR RUN LIKE A GIRL :| or alt f4 .__. okay so maybe it wouldnt work. Just an idea...........
  12. Wouldnt a ghillie suit COVER the bandits skin?
  13. I have actually never SEEN a bandit. they are I assume, in ghillie suits. What is kos? Also, I understand that bandits have skins, but since my playing days, I have killed 6 players on one survivor. Though because I play with a friend we are constantly blood bagging each other. Would I be considered a bandit - without a skin? WHAT HAVE I BECOME :|
  14. It would be super fun if you could make a group of friends you met in the server to do little scavenge missions, like watch over the town for other players while the rest of the group is in the town. Its just a shame you cant trust anyone. Just a shame. Would be nice to see a tooltip of their history such as previous murders or banditry. Like a perm branding on the player. That would work. Edit: It would certainly make people think twice about killing someone, if people could see your play history.. Is someone WORTH killing, as to killing just because..
  15. Well I am new to the game "clearly" And this happens to be my only means of making contact to players, since they have done the same to me. My first encounter was from a guy in a ghillie suit who said suki are you friendly while pointing a gun in my face. I said yeah, since I had no intention of killing him with my hatchet. He asked if i needed blood I said no, Then he shot me. I don't understand what you are supposed to do exactly? Run? Log?
  16. I agree that there should be some balance. Though the ratio of bandits to friendly's is about 30:1 I am in fact a friendly player. I yell out friendly when I see someone that has NOT already seen me. If they see me first and hasn't yelled friendly, I'll blow his face off, even if he has NOT shot. Its hard to be friendly.. Especially when you have trusted players so many times who yell friendly first and you meet up and have a good jolly 2 seconds before they shoot you anyway. EVEN IF THEY HAVE FULL WEAPONS/GEAR AND ALL... (probably hackers now that i think of it. HACKERS WITH BAD AIM SO THEY LURE YOU IN) Its utter bullshit and there has to be an easier way to trust people. It would in fact be nice to meet people in the game who you actually can trust, maybe exchange a blood bag or two then continue your voyage.. rather than shoot everything that moves JUST-BECAUSE-YOU-CAN. I do enjoy killing bandits and people who have awesome gear. But would be nice to actually interact with someone humane.
  17. So I have seen a couple dead bodies around. I have learnt they make a buzzing sound as if flys are around them. I also learnt they make the same sound even though you hide their body. What I don't know is - can bodies decay over time? (be hidden without a player hiding them) if so, what is this time? Completely off-topic IMO the doggest thing in this game is when people kill you without making contact, then hide your body after looting all your stuff. BASTARDS!
  18. suKi

    Dead Bodies

    Okay well that is definitely nice to know. Perhaps my body did de-spawn sometime between 0 - 40 minutes.. My trek back to the Air Strip .__.
  19. suKi

    Dead Bodies

    HAHAHAHHA Can players drag dead bodies?
  20. So, me and my friend logged in to go do our daily raid in the military area. He was in some tower and was attacked by a zombie, broke his legs and fucking died to nothing. Not only were we prepared for the mission to go into the place (meds and food) even a tent outside with other supplies.. BUT HE DIED TO NOTHING. How do we prepare ourselves for such realistic event? Also, because of this, I had to camp his body, waiting for his return, and I get attacked by a noob who i didnt even hear come up the stairs, and he didnt even know we were there because he also got a suprise. FACT IS. because of this fucking glitch of dying in a wall and or stairs we both died and lost a weeks worth of guns and time. Where in real life do you magically die from nothing?
  21. suKi

    Very dissapointing

    WELL im sorry you are sick of "these stupid posts" no need to be a dick though.
  22. suKi

    Very dissapointing

    perhaps. but the second i saw him i went to shoot. I couldnt shoot and then he broke my legs i was laying on the floor for the LONGEST time trying to shoot.. couldnt so it was a very helpless situation for me. .__. maybe thats also a glitch.
  23. suKi

    Very dissapointing

    at least this forum is "nice" or full of complete ass holes.