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Everything posted by Stworca

  1. Stworca

    Excuse My Excitement

    Amateur. Real Men use satchel charges to take out zombies
  2. In that case the gaps in the walls (crawl under) and fences (vault) come into mind. Doors/gates being useless, as zombies pass through them. Zombies being able to hit you through walls and sound aggro determining where they will come from.
  3. I was thinking about doing a video like that myself, seeing as even some long-term survivors die to zombies occasionally. The thing you have to remember about churches, is that they're hazardous not because of zombies, but players. You can indeed easily loose zombies in the church (unless there is an entire horde behind you, then you just might have to use the pistol) but a player will have an easier time sniping you at the church, than at the barn / other. Those long farmhouse buildings are especially nice, since they have up to 4 exits. Edit : You can also loose zombies by zig-zaging a hill steep enough to force walking. Not that easy, however.
  4. Stworca

    Post your humanity!

    Bandits on empty servers? That's.. i don't..
  5. Stworca

    Being "Friendly" isn't always best

    You, kind sir, are the reason why people kill each other on sight.
  6. Stworca

    Really? Really?

    I've seen an admin get kicked by BEye for having too high ping. Flock my life for not saving that screenshot.
  7. Stworca

    doing some thing wrong?

    Update DayZ first of all, arma 2 patches are of secondary importance. Use DayZCommander for updating and to check if you even require such update. Stay clear of beta's.
  8. Stworca

    Type of player I am...

    I had a similar situation, but instead of "Sorry mate", it was a stream of German curse words. Wait.. does it make it any similar..?
  9. Stworca

    Im a bandit....

    I think you are not telling us the whole story. The guy you have bandaged, gave blood to and saved from zombies.. Did you happen to shoot him with an AS50 when he was happily continuing his journey? How about the people you pick up with your vehicles? Do you happen to drive those vehicles off of cliffs and jump at the last second? Maybe it's those times when you've mistaken CAPS LOCK for left mouse button, while holding Mk48 on full auto?
  10. Oh, the list itself only aimed at mocking all those pre-made blueprints about specific age, that i've heard over the years. When someone tries hard enough, he will find a reason to call you immature. Most of the time having no grounds to do that, but that's the internet. Now, i agree that shooters in general, and survivor/shooter/zombie apocalypse simulator with direct communications in particular aren't - nor should they be - PG13. There is, however, this one, disturbing constant in the universe, being people making issues out of insignificant details. Age, heritage, beliefs, accent, color of your shirt.. none of that should matter, if the person in question is a decent shot, player or human. Edit : I forgot to mention that it all sounds alien to me, as i have never found a single player in DayZ who didn't try to kill me.. ..then again it's maybe because i'm at that distant hill with m107..
  11. I shall post in this thread about age, typing my opinion on the internet, because there is someone out there that cares. Oh wait! You're young in DayZ? Probably clueless and immature. You're 18-25 in DayZ? Wasting time that could be spent studying, thus immature. You're old in DayZ? Failed at life, and now only has video games left, probably immature. You're an ageless being from another dimension in DayZ? No wonder you are in our dimension now, if all you do is play games, you immature, ageless being, you. Point being : calm the fuck down, all of ye. I've played with my 41yr buddy from England, and a 12 year old from Austria. We had a good time and at no point age was mentioned. Then i've played with a 24 year old who was raging at everyone whenever he died, and called everyone that killed him a cheater. He was also incapable of forming even the simplest of sentences in English, despite learning it for 12 years. The Austrian kid was speaking very well. Thus : If you're an asshat, your age does not matter. Your vocabulary, understanding humor and temperament is the only thing that differs, as you age. Not always in the right direction. Not always from ground 0.
  12. It's also known as "missing".
  13. Stworca

    do not play with a kid.

    You have 280 posts on the forum? I now have an adventure to embark on!
  14. Getting tired of wolfing, thusly i've applied. Love : Long walks on the beach, the color pink. Hate : Alt+F4'ing bastards. GMT+1
  15. Stworca

    What does this sign mean?

    Font changing humor is soooo 1850's
  16. Stworca

    Dear ADM Clan of US #500

    It is.
  17. Stworca

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Sometimes you can only access the backpack via "Gear" menu, after getting rid of your own. If there is something on the ground that you really want, but can not pick it up, there are probably items underneath it. Loot them first, trash them somewhere, and your desired loot is open again.
  18. Wait.. wait.. What are you doing in the lobby, anyway? The game is this way --->>> [ OK ]
  19. Stworca

    Best Weapon Combo

    There is no best weapon combo. You might like a M14 more than an AS50, or a SVD, or the DMR, or maybe the LA85, or M1A1 CCO SD, or perhaps even Mk48? Play around, try everything out, everyone has a different preferred setup. The pistols are an easier choice. Chose the one that has the iron sight that fits you the most. Keep an eye out for PDW as it can use 5 different types of clips, including SD, and i find it's sights the best. G17 has a flashlight. M9SD is silent. Revolver has the highest effective range, but otherwise it fits the following two : Makarov & M1911 suck donkey balls.
  20. I was in Electro the other day, ghillie and m107, against another sniper with ghillie and as50. Couldn't see him, he couldn't see me. I was waiting till he takes a shot, and reveals his location (quite sure he didn't even know i was there!) A few minutes have passed, he finally fired on a survivor in the powerplant, i could hear that he actually was a good 200 meters BEHIND me (the horror!) thankfully the bushes allowed me to easily turn and aim towards where i expected him to be. I've seen zombies run towards his location, and thought "Checkmate". He Alt F4'd and all zombies disappeared. It was the first time i was actually fuckin' infuriated in this game. I died later that day, after a week of survival, but all i could think of was this asshat with amazing gear altf4 from zombies And now you come here and call Alt4 a valid play style. No. NO. If i see a name that even remotely resembles yours on a server, i will find you, and i will kill you. Not the KOS bandits, not breaking legs by sneezing, not the hackers, YOU are the only problem i have with this mod.
  21. In that fantasy world of yours, can i be a princess?
  22. Stworca

    Alt+F4 whores

    Aren't you supposed to be saving lives, instead of trying to murder innocent and misunderstood snipers in Cherno? I'm disappointed, son.
  23. The game may be getting boring, because you have to choose between getting thunderdome'd every hour or so (high pop) or not seeing anyone for hours, even in places like NWAF (low pop). Now, for some people the first is not a problem, as tents with endless lootz are at their disposal, and for others, it's not a problem, because they don't have anything. There is this fracture of people, though, who couldn't find a fuckin' tent for 5 days straight in any of those shops, and don't want to lose their stuff without a fight.
  24. Stworca

    Ghillie suit - easy come, easy go.

    Answer me this, then : Were you ever near a door, stairs or a random tree? No lying.
  25. Stworca

    Met a nice person finally lol

    Or multiple bullets in their torso, arms and legs. Depends on their killer's accuracy.