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Everything posted by dudditz

  1. Hi, i'm running a server at a german hoster. Everything runs fine but i don't want to use the webpanel to configurate the configs of my server. The hoster has an option in the panel where i can switch between webpanel and ftp configuration but the ftp configuration doesn't work. I had written a ticket to my hoster and the answer wasn't that what i expected. My hoster stated that the dev-team wouldn't allow the access to server files at the moment. I can't imagine that this is true, because of root server users would not be able to edit their configs, without editing the server files. Additionally there is a Server Side Fix for tents which are not saved to the hive, on reddit. My question now: Is my hoster right or is it just another silly excuse for something that is not working (hosterside)?
  2. Ok, werde es mal testen. Sollte dann unter gamed!de auch funktionieren, ist ja die selbe Firma. Danke soweit schon einmal für die Infos.
  3. Ja es ist ein whitelistet. Kann man beim wechsel die IDs behalten oder müssen hierbei neue angefordert werden ?
  4. dudditz

    DayZ at GamesCom

    I'm looking forward to meet you guys there. I didn't expect to see DayZ at GC, but now i'm even more happy to have a ticket. To me it looks like all people complaining about bugs and blah blah seem to never have been an alpha or beta tester in their life. Btw the fact that many people like to play DayZ and not any other games, beside the viewercount on social platforms like twitch.tv is proof enough that the DayZ team is doing a great job. But that's just my opinion as beeing a developer myself.