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björn ben

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About björn ben

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. björn ben

    DayZ Screenshots!

  2. björn ben

    Are tents\cars saving on your server?

    Yep, its pretty frustrating. I played with some friends the past days to build up some vehicles. Every time we searched a long time to get all the parts we needed. Yesterday we repaired a bus. This morning the bus was still where we saved it. This evening the bus was gone. After that we got lucky and managed to build up two offroad pickups. We saved them just before a server restart. After that we went back onto the server and both pickups were gone. Just saying, its frustrating...I hope this issue will be solved soon...
  3. At Time: around 00:00-01:00 GMT+2 At Server: US 1455 At Grid: Pogorevka 045 089 Last night I was driving my motorcycle to Pogorevka to take a look into those building when suddenly the lights (daylight) went on and the sky was burning. I could actually see big flames raging into the sky. Then I heard two shots from a silenced weapon and saw the you're dead screen. /c: