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About bmxchamp4

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    On the Coast
  1. bmxchamp4

    DayZ Stories

    Man these are all such great stories lol. This was just the thread I was looking for. I have a few to tell and will do so in one post. Now, I don't refer to myself as a seasoned DayZ player at all. I've known about and had the mod for quite a few months, but as far as play time goes, I probably only have about 1 month of total accumulated play time. So these stories may not impress many, but I hope that some newer players share my appreciation of these tales. Story 1: This one is about my first experience with DayZ. Might I add before I get started, my first experience with DayZ was probably a lot better than most other players. I began on the shore (big surprise). Not any shore though. Had I known the value of spawning in cherno at the time, I may have been much more excited. Instead I was scared out of my mind. It was pitch black and all I had was a Makarov, some food, some drink and some med supplies (as you can tell this takes place in an earlier version of DayZ). I made my way into the city cycling through all the different gear and learning how to use it. That was when I discovered the purtiful flares and began chucking them all over the place just because I could. After about half an hour of trying to naavigate and avoiding the moans and screams of zombies I was about ready to give up on the mod because it seemd like an epic fail at trying to make a cool zombie mod as always. But I decided to log off for the night and give it a try the next morning, as I was half asleep and could not grasp the concept of what to do. So the next day after watching some beginner guides and what not I finally began making progress. Skipping through a series of boring and almost failed loot attempts I found myself in the middle of Cherno where the statues are and next to the red brick style church. I was in the tall building with the big open lobby at the bottom with glass all around (kinda hard to explain). In a nutshell I was pinned down by a horde of zombies that apparently were too stupid to come around through the front doors. They just surrouneded the buildings. I picked off a few of them occasionally, but was quickly running out of ammo for the lee enfield i had found in there. Finally I fired my last bullet for both my lee enfield AND my makarov. I didn't see a way out and was just about to jump into the horde of zombies and die when a shot rang out. Zombies screamed... Another shot... and Another.. 3 more.. the shots continued and the zombies dropped like flies. The shots finally stopped, and with a bright light and a choir, my rescuer stepped through the front doors of the building looking like a boss with his Alice pack and 1866 Winchester shotgun. I was scared yet happy at the same time. I asked if he was friendly after thanking him for what he did. After a painful silence he finally replied that he was friendly. Skipping through our journey through cherno myself and the Swedish savior (i've come to call him "the viking".. yes that is a Robazz "king of sweden" reference). Anyways we were now moving inland. I felt extremely secure with this survivor as he had great gear, including NVGs, a map, GPS, hunting knife, blood bags etc. Apparently he ran into the corpse of a very unlucky bandit and scored the awesome gear. After a long long journey we finally made it to the NW airfield where we did NOT find NVGs or a GPS for me. It was alright though. Along the way i found an 1866 of my own along with medical supplies, an m1911, a large coyote pack, map, binocs, etc. I'll end this story here because nothing very interesting happened after this, as we both logged off and never saw each other again. Thanks to him though, my first experience with DayZ was an epic one. To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for him, I would have given up completely on the mod. Thank you "viking warrior". I hope wherever you are, that you are still living strong, and have not succumb to the infection, nor blood thirsty bandits, thank you for all that you did for me. Story 2 This is is a shorter one, Just wanted to share this randomness. Recently I was playing with a friend of mine who is new to DayZ. And now having a good amount of experience under my belt, I was doing for him, what "the viking" mentioned above did for me. We both were on fresh spawns tho but I was teaching him the best ways to remain unseen and unheard. We came across the construction site in Cherno and with it, a double barrel shotgun. I picked it up and immediately fired off a round at an aggroed zombie, courtesy of my newbie friend. this aggroed 4 others. We made ur way to the top of the site and took out 2 zombies while doing so. The other two were making their way up. I only had one shot left. I hear footsteps above me and my friend. I look behind me to see an unarmed survivor climbing down from the highest part of the construction site. He turns around and pauses for a moment before saying "Oh.. helloo.." as innocently as could be, as if he didn't even hear the 3 blasts from my shotgun just seconds earlier. Not wanting to waste my last shot my friend and i head up the ladder he just came down. The two zombies were just below us now, on the same level as this unarmed confused survivor. I hear grunts down below but they aren't the zombies. It's the survivor with an open mic, throwing chemlights at the zombies saying "take that" and "chase the light!"... After having a good laugh I tell him to get his butt up the ladder. He doesn't listen. I yell for him to come up as a zombie is now face to face with him. The zombie swings at him *BANG!!!*.. I use my last shot to drop the zombie before he injures the survivor. Frustrated I tell him to come up the ladder. After doing so he asked if we wanted to see something cool. I humored him and said sure.......... He sprints full speed off the side of the construction site and falls to the ground instantly breaking his legs and becoming unconcious. Thinking he's dead I go down and check his body for loot. Nothing.... After a minute or two of my friend ad i cracking up at his stupidity and randomness his body begins to move back and forth followed by "RAAWWRRR I'M A ZOMBIIEEEEE"... I was now in tears laughing so hard. After that he tells us he's going to the store and asked if we wanted anything. After respectfully declining he runs off and I follow him to see what mischief he is going to cause. He runs up to the first zombie he sees and calls out "Look what I found!!!" My friend and I let him aggro all the Zeds in the area before continuing our search for loot. Minutes later we see his name pop up, saying he was killed. R.I.P comedy guy... Even in an apocalypse, he still managed to have fun and die happy. My hat goes off to you. Story 3 I will try to make this one as quick as I can. My eyes are growing heavy and I have to be up in three hours lol. After starting a fresh spawn I slowly make my way through Cherno. So far the loot has been terrible. Nothing but empty cans. I go to the fire station in Cherno to hear gunfire. I lay prone in the front of the station as dozens of zombies swarm the area, stepping on me, tripping over me, but all the while not noticing me. They suddenly disappear marking the panic d/c of the player inside the fire station. I enter and manage to find a double barrelled shotgun with some slugs. The rest of the loot was not ideal. A heatpack and some other useless junk. So I make my way to the church where the loot was just WAITING for someone to find. In the church I found a map, binoculars, extra bandages, more slugs, food, a canteen, a hunting knife, and a box of matches. I have no idea how all of that got there but it did and I was extremely happy. I decide to hit up the convenience store before heading inland towards the NW airfield. I find some more food in the store (go figure) and another pair of binocs, which I leave for another lucky survivor who passes through. Now I decide with the gear I have (including the hatchet I forgot to mention that I picked up before the fire station) that I can begin heading to the NW airfield and check out what's there, maybe I could score some NVGs or a GPS. So As I make my way out of the store and on to the road next to it, avoiding Zeds of course, (no im not british I just prefer calling them Zeds lol) Right in front of me, like a light shining down from the skies, sits a pickup truck. Expecting disappointment I hop in the driver's seat and find that the fuel tank is FULL. I start 'er up and take off feeling glorious. I get near balot and the artifact glitches kick in. So I stop and check out the gear in the truck while contemplating what to do. In the gear of the truck there's food, an AKS, an AKM only one AK mag, 6 jerry cans, an m249 belt and a few other items I can't remember. Excited I get back in after saving it and try to make my way down the road despite the artifact glitches. Didn't work out too well.. I crashed into damaged vehicles and broke the engine of the vehicle. Frustrated I logged out for the night. 2 days later I log back in, and find myself on the coast somehow much further west of Balota than I was, with all my gear, but no truck. I figured it was for the better as having a working vehicle is more of a death sentence than a blessing. the only thing I care for about vehicles is storage. I could care less about driving around I just want a place to store all of my items that I can't afford to carry around all the time. So anyways after 5 minutes my vision gets blurry and grey. Confused I notice my blood decreasing. Somehow I was bleeding!!! I bandaged myself and it stopped at less than 7,000 blood. Conveniently enough there was a cow, across the street. Killed it, gutted it, cooked and ate the meat and got back up to 10,000 blood with some meat leftover. After awhile I made my way to stary sobor where i traded out my previously acquired lee enfield for an AKM. I also found a few other goodies including a military flashlight. After Stary I made my way to the NW airfield finding a helicopter crash along the way. At the airfield I found two dead bodies. One of which had an Alice pack which I hastily took off of his lifeless corpse. I then made my way back down to Novy Sobor to meet a friend. After we found each other we headed to the military encampment at Stary Sobor, finding a SECOND helo wreck between novy and stary where we found him a DMR. After stary we began heading back the the NW airfield and logged off at a deer tower just north of Stary Sobor. Earlier tonight I made a run into Novy to see what I could find. A whole lotta nothin is what I found. On the way back to the deer tower, I stumbled across a bicycle hidden in the trees. And hidden BEHIND the bicycle was a tent, filled with more food, medical supplies, an M16, an M4A1 and one of my favorites, an M4A3 CCO.. I grabbed that one and swiped 11 of the 17 30rnd STANAG clips that were stashed in the tent as well. I grabbed some other little goodies, saved the tent, saved the bike, and then rode the bike back to where the deer tower was and logged off... I know have a quiet yet effiecient means of transportation as well as reliable storage for all of my gear.This is going uite well for me. I have had this character for almost a week and while ive had many close calls with both zombies and players, I am still going strong and finding better equipment as I go. Story 4 Ok I forgot about this one and I will make it very short. Before I made the character mentioned above I had another one that eventually died... I was unconcious bleeding out. Was all the way down to about 2000 blood. It was night time, my vision was blurry and pulsing. I could barely see 10 meters in front of me. I had a hatchet and a pile of wood and raw meat... all I needed was matches.. I made my way into a tiny village (not sure where it was) but I was able to get into the only building that could be entered. It was a house with only ONE loot pile in it. And In this SINGLE building with a SINGLE loot pile there JUST so happened to be a box of matches. I cooked meat ate a good feast, was back to about 9000 blood and logged off. The next day I logged on, found an ATV which had a jerry can on it, filled it with fuel, rode off into the sunset, and minutes later was knocked unconscious by 2 zombies when i became greedy and entered a small shack in the middle of nowhere. i died shortly after. oh well lol teh above character is going much better... Anyways sorry for the ridiculously long post but thank you for taking the time to read it.. i can barely type anymore lol good night everyone...