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About Dansula

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dansula


    Guess you found another camp then, ours only had 5 AS50, seeing how you apperently have 35++, the two ++ must stand for something like "Oh I cant keep a track of our items since we dupd them alot" So dont accuse other players for hacking and duping. Stop making a fool of yourself...... Just continue with the Alt + F4 and move along!
  2. Dansula


    Didnt read, busy combat logging..........
  3. Dansula


    So getting the surprise on a group of players makes them bad? Well props on you killing 3 of us that way its super hard...... Also gratz on that awesome noscoping on a server with crosshairs with a one shot one kill gun, that takes serious skills....... it really does And Nerf, die all day long and sniping electro aint playing? Well my guess is that this game can be played basically how you want. And if you now raided our camp then you should know we have done quite alot of pve. Also love your way of making yourself the underdog, "we are not a clan, we are friends playing"...... yeah clantag and cordinated play, but hey you're just friends... But I do agree with you, we are not a clan, we are a gaming community. Last but not least, so you only kill bandits and people that shoot on you. Well that statement isnt true I guess, since you killed 3 none bandits from behind that wasnt shooting at you...... "i got hit and ran away like a chicken and loggt off until more of us arrived :>" Awesome combatlogging, Guess we need to start frapsing you noobs more so the banhammer can hit you.......