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About muttondagger

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    On the Coast

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  1. muttondagger

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    If you don't think this loot system is just a placeholder, then you're an idiot. If anything, with the release of the alpha, they're testing their server loads. Pretty positive that the current loot system will definitely be changed, as well as the zed count.
  2. muttondagger

    DayZ at GamesCom

    That's really all the beans? Are you kidding me? I would've given that much by myself if I were able to attend. I hope more people, brought more beans than that.
  3. muttondagger

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This. ^ We need physics.
  4. muttondagger

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    The graphical glitches are still present post and arma2 beta patch 95913. But all in all, my game has never ran better, and left shift+minus(num pad) is working perfectly; if I come across any glitches, I flush once, and they're gone, for me at least. The infinite ammo glitch can still be done by putting depleted clips into the backpack and logging in and out, thus having full clips again. Turning some magazines into others(m1911+.45, etc) are also still giving infinite ammo. I am loving the new zombie run speed; also digging their slower animations, but I think I have BIS to thank for that. I've gotten used to the dead soldier and barbed wire(game made) artifacts, but some new artifacting(which also goes away with a flush) seems to be derived from the in game crosshairs, for me at least.