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Posts posted by Zakaev

  1. Hi everyone i solved the problem, As you could tell by my computer specs my computer should have had no problem running this game. Exept one small detail that i didn't factor in, apparently Dayz is a highly Harddrive intensive game so you if you are facing a problem similar to mine you can either buy a new harddrive or use your ram as a hardrive. Just google "Ramdisk dayz" There's many tutorials on how to do this.

    Edit: I've received a uppwards of 20 extra frames by doing this*

  2. Forest i average around 20 fps, in the citys is a unplayable 10 fps, i have all graphical settings on lowest possible.

    My specs are: Evga Nvidia GTX 560 1Gb, Intel Quad core Q8200 @ 2.33ghz, 4gb ddr3 ram, Vista 64bit.

    I can max BF3 so this really bothers me :/

    What can i do to increase FPS?

  3. I hope you do realise that well you did a suggestion but complaint would be more suitable for your topic. so if you make a suggestion without adding something usefull to it, like a solution or an idea your just a whiner. a whiner who know started to flame someone who told you anything you need to know so why don´t you just stop making a fool out of yourself and start living with BE side to side because dayz will not work without BE.

    And next time use the search button. upper right corner.

    So in what way was your response constructive? don't bother responding i only want educated responses anyway :/

  4. Condescending tone is condescending.

    Look without getting all bent out of shape and you're clearly not going to go and look, I'll explain why you're wrong.

    • BattlEye is part of Arma
    • DayZ runs on Arma, therefore BattlEye is part of dayZ
    • Arma is an open mission lead game, with a slight FPS undertone
    • DayZ is designed'ish to be a huge MMO with some PvP thrown in for good measure
    • Arma is designed to allow scripts to be run within the game, therefore BE didn't detect them
    • The BE/DayZ staff came up with a method to detect these scripts, banning for those verified as cheats
    • Server admins take reciprocal action against cheats detected in the log files, but not banned by BE
    • Ergo BE is not useless, it's just doing the best job it can
    • The best tool against scripts is an enthusiastic, dedicated server admin

    No, Battle eye is a 3rd party software, do you know what 3rd party means? no? I'll tell you then. IT'S NOT PART OF ARMA!

    "The best tool against scripts is an enthusiastic, dedicated server admin" YES YES NOW YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK!! GOOD BOY!!

  5. Zak. No offense mate but you are the one losing the argument. Gogster has addressed your statements with up-to-date information and his opinions are valued in this community.

    Just saying...

    Gogster said "DERP DERP BATTLE EYE IS COMPULSORY GO GOOGLE IT DERP DERP" Yes i have googled it and have not found a shred of evidence that would back his claims, and just because someone sits on a forum all day and has a 1,000 post count does NOT mean they are all knowledgable. LOL.

  6. Insted of going on this forum that have nothing to do with battle eye and making really stupid suggestions that will put an end to this mod, why don't you go and research why your friends are getting kicked so you can fix it?

    Just make a google search of the message to get when you get kicked by battle eye and you will find a lot of ways to solve it.

    And don't call people kid or idiot. You won't be taken seriously.

    Finding out the reason isn't as simple as you think, i have read MANY threads of people suffering unjustified battleeye kicks and MOST of the time a answer can't be found as it's mainly crappy battleeyes fault.

    Also if some kid replies with a useless response i am obviously going to call them out on the idiocy.

  7. Good grief - go troll somewhere else.

    Do you normaly call people a troll you lose a argument with? oh no you're a server admin you would just ban them instead. Pathetic kid, go back to your server and sit on your virtual throne because you're a nobody here son.

  8. Listen, kid, if you'd have bothered to use the search and maybe done some research, you'd realise that BE is inextricably tied to Arma, so they cannot get rid of it. BE does work, it just doesn't work very well with the way DayZ is intended to run.

    So, in summary, try to be less of a smart arse and research your subject before you come here with "get rid..." statements. It just makes you look a prat.

    You seriously think they don't have the ability to remove battleeye from Dayz? idiot detected!

  9. Hell no, I see hackers getting global bans daily. The reason it doesn't detect all the "hacks" is because they release new code when their program gets detected. So it takes a while for battle eye to update their cheat detection.

    I have yet to see any player receive a global ban from battle eye, what i do see regularly is innocent people constantly getting kicked because of issues with battleeye

  10. Get rid of this post.

    Yeah for what reason? you do realise this is the suggestion section, it's really sad to see that you're a server admin as you seem like the type who gets upset easy. Meh i only play on Australian servers. Anyway thanks for you useless opinion kid.

  11. It's obvious this 3rd party anti cheat rubbish is useless and doesn't stop hackers, Go check out the troubleshoot section. This Battle Eye does more harm than good i myself and many people keep getting kicked ffs. The only good thing about it is it's global banning feature other than that it DOES NOT detect hacks, all it does is kick innocent people as any hacker is able to bypass this piece of crap.
