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Everything posted by amidemon

  1. From about 2300hrs CST through to 0100hrs CST until I logged off there was at least one guy running around shooting M203 flares at a full-auto rate into the air. Based on side channel chat it was "asdasd" and both myself (at 0100hrs) and my friend (at 2300hrs) saw it. Everyone was asking him to stop doing it in Cherno and he all but admitted to doing it. Additionally, I have noticed rampant vehicle spawn hacking at night. Tonight, based on side channel chat, there were multiple helicopters and people were spawning in NVG's and ghillies. Those people tend to be nice and apparently give the stuff out to new spawns, but it's getting ridiculous. --I apologize again for no screens but the M203 flare spammer snuck up on me and scared the crap outta me launching flares into the sky like that. He appeared benevolent, but I was fed up with the hacking and logged anyway just to be safe.
  2. At approximately 2358hrs CST or 0458hrs UTC on server CA 11 with IP: and Port: 2302 a player with the name [E/S] GLEBOSS entered the server and I believe he wiped the main weapons and all gear in the main storage slots from myself and at least one other player if not all other 6-7 players on the server. I do not remember if secondary weapons and/or pistol ammo and bandages were removed, but backpack gear and tools remained. However, my NVG's and rangefinder also disappeared. The supposed hacker said something along the lines of "who wants to join the safe team." I Alt-F4'd and went to join another server. After a minute or two of looking for another server I joined and had all of my gear back. GLEBOSS, who I believe was hacking, is currently in CA 11 or I would go back in and ask the other players in side chat to report this as well. Thank you for your consideration. Also, my character name on that server was IAnimalMotherI --I apologize for not taking a screen shot but I was eager to leave as soon as I realized what had happened in the hopes of recovering my gear on the next log in.