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About xLevel23_

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central US
  • Interests
    Sports, Gaming. Working. Bein a BOSS
  1. Ok so to make a long story short. I play on a private hive server. It has been working fine until recently. I was on the server, server restarted. Now i cant get back in. I switched to my GF's cd key, and its letting me in just fine. But for some reason my cd key will say that the battleye is not responding. If anyone has any answer to my problem i would appreciate it. I have tried verifying my steam files. And when i try to redownload arma 2 OA battleye, it wont even come up. Not sure what to do at this point. Thanks.
  2. xLevel23_

    Quick question about servers?

    Alright thanks. Well i backed out and realized that i had to update ARMA 2 and day z commander. Now their server has nobody in it. So i wonder if they are updating? Idk. But thanks for the answers. Ive had that message before but this time it said people were still in the server. Thanks though guys.
  3. So i'm playing a private hive server just a little bit ago. And all of a sudden i get the "Message not recieved" or whatever and i get a countdown. So i back out, And i check the ping, and its shot up to 10k. Can someone explain what happend? I never really understood that so i figured someone could enlighten me on why it does that? Now it wont even let me connect to the server? Thanks
  4. You do have a point. I might just have to update my day z manually. Ill give that a go. Thanks man i appreciate it.
  5. Yeah i use Day z commander, but when i try to switch back. It says Downloading..0%. But it shows MB going up. So idk
  6. So wait. If i can join a server that says its not Does it sometimes mean that it actually is? And its not updated?
  7. Actually i can join servers with any version less than mine. I just didnt know if it would register as me having .5 when i save the tents?
  8. Does your version have to be Or can it be .5?
  9. It doesnt matter what version it is. I was told some servers are actually saving tents. Thanks
  10. xLevel23_

    looking for one more player

    I just posted a topic about wanted to be a sniper in a group. Let me know man im interested.
  11. I would be willing to accept the position. I keep getting killed by hackers and keep losing my gear =/. So i'd like to join a group who is pretty much established. I have skype and I have a pretty good rep with the people I've added so far on there. If anyone is interested in a sniper, let me know. I like having rangefinders but i can manage without them. And dont mistake me for a player killer. I normally used to just watch over elektro for player killers and go from there. Thanks =)
  12. Well im just gonna play on a server then...
  13. xLevel23_

    Trading an SVD Sniper CAMO

    LOL ok babe. As good as that sounds. I think ill pass lol