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Everything posted by sidekickman

  1. sidekickman

    Precious Values

    I remember when bandits used to have honor, dignity - Now, it's just a haze of gunsmoke and lies. We used to hold you up, take your spoils, but we would never take your life. We would never kill without reason or option. We would grit our teeth, dig our heels in, and let you live. We showed mercy. For even though we would steal and ransack, we would never kill an innocent man - for even we had to cling on to the last breath of humanity. But on the day, the day the confused, frightened, and innocent man leveled his makarov at me, I understood. I understood why so many others would embrace this hell, this apocalypse. For no man is innocent forever, and it was me or him that would be the first to slay the other. Both of us afraid of the other, both of us brothers to the same world. And as I fired my rifle, it made sense. No man is innocent forever, and no man can remain sane in this world. As his desperate cries for mercy rang in my ears, I strode across the damp wood floor of the rotted cabin to his body. Kneeling down, I inspected this lifeless carcass of the confused, frightened, and innocent man. As I pilfered his gear, his food, his drink, I came across the handgun that had moments ago intended to kill. It had been empty. Anybody else have a story of their first cold-blooded murder?
  2. sidekickman

    Precious Values

    I've been playing since the beginning. People used to hold you up if they could. KoS has always existed, but it was to a different degree; It was out of fear and zeal, it was seldom just to kill. Either way, holding people up is still more fun than shooting a man in the back.
  3. This is really cool. The game needs more derelict man-made objects, like an oil rig or something off-shore. Maybe even inland there are large areas of burnt out forest where planes have crashed without proper air-traffic-control. And on that note, no car dealerships? Maybe I'm missing something culturally...
  4. A good spot for this would be out by Kamenka, as it is the only pointless spot on the coast. The rest of the coast is equally balanced by Elektro, Berezino, and Cherno, but Kamenka and those towns have no interest. Place it on the coast out where nobody goes.
  5. A friend and I have had DayZ for some time now, and are quite experienced. We routinely forfeit our gear to keep things interesting, as being some maxed out bambi-killer is just not fun. Anyways, right after our most recent start over, we joined a server with around eighteen people. After meeting up in Kamenka, we headed inland towards some of the residential areas like Zeleno. Once we got to Zeleno, we started looting the supermarket as usual. However, when we headed out, we caught a helicopter landing just up the hill. After a quick debate, we decided to see what would happen before making any attempt to take the helicopter or anything else. We ran up the opposite hill and hid, carefully watching the three passengers of the helicopter get out unarmed. The pilot proceeded to exit, fully decked out with an M240 (At least, we think it was an M240) and seemed to usher the unarmed people into Zeleno. We didn't hear any of the chat, but they all spread out and started looting the town. At this point, my friend decided this guy probably kidnapped the bambis and was using them to loot or some weird thing for his own amusement. He got his rifle out and was ready to kill the guy when another helicopter flew over the hill and landed next to the first one. Three more bambi passengers and another well-armed pilot got out. These unarmed folk did not go into town, however, and they went over to the other heli and got in (Both helicopters were Hueys) and then proceeded to be flown away by the first pilot. After the helicopter was out of sight, the bambis emerged from the town and entered the second helicopter and flew away with the second guy. We still have no idea what the hell happened, but we think it was some sort of weird bambi-trafficking route. Haven't seen anything like it, nor did we ever see the parties involved again. Happened in the day time, if you were wondering, and my friend was using a Lee Enfield while I had a hatchet and Makarov.
  6. sidekickman

    Short Tale of Banditry

    I thought about it, but the trade seemed off the and the way the guy ushered them around. They weren't acting like a team, at least not like any team I've been a part of.
  7. sidekickman

    [How-to] Revert to Dayz

    This is great if anyone plans on using DayZ models in the editor
  8. sidekickman

    Magic Schoolbus

    So about a week ago me and some friends decided to start off fresh with new characters. The ones we had were so maxed it wasn't even fun, so we all decided to forfeit our gear to some newbies who could use the gear. We only kept our handguns, some bandages and blood bags, night vision goggles, and a map. About an hour later, we come back to Cherno (this time with some Winchesters and Lee Enfields) in hopes of finding some better gear or ammunition. What we found was strange, to say the least. Somebody had hacked the game to allow a bus to fly while simultaneously playing the theme song (I think) of Magic Schoolbus. He landed the thing next to us, told us to get in, and said "Learning is an Adventure!" on the typed chat. WE got in, and he flew us into the side of a hotel and killed us. Moral of the story: never trust the United States education system.
  9. sidekickman

    Rediculous Ping

    I went on a vacation for five days, come back, and see that every server I've been on is 600+, and the lowest ping I can find is at 610ms. Nothing has changed, I'm up to date, but the ping is really high. I used to see pings at 10-60ms, and I life on the West Coast in the United States.
  10. sidekickman

    Antibiotic Trade?

    I'm looking for anyone who is willing to trade with me for antibiotics. Post your offer, and we can barter. Thanks!
  11. sidekickman

    Looking for M24

    Antibiotics? I have the NVG and I may be willing to trade.
  12. sidekickman

    Sneaking Tips?

    I'm relatively new to DayZ, and I was wondering if anyone had some tips on sneaking past zeds? I always survey my surroundings, circle towns before entering, and crouch-walk. I feel that, no matter which difficulty server I choose, I get spotted. I've never successfully raided a town without running for my life to the woods or getting trapped in a shack, and having a friend help. Any help would be appreciated. :)
  13. sidekickman

    Sneaking Tips?

    That's a good tip. I'll make sure to try it. But what if I collect a tail on my way out? I always seem to get tailed at the beginning or end of my looting raid.