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Posts posted by The_910

  1. I'm looking for a small group of about 3-5 players preferably on the East Coast. I have over 200 hours of experience playing DayZ, so Pm me or reply if you are interested. Please only reply or Pm if you have Skype or TeamSpeak

  2. I've got an AKS-74 Kobra with 6 mags or a m24 sniper with 4 mags and a couple jerry cans. What could you trade me? Im looking for camo clothng, ghillie, any variant of the M4 bar the standard, a backpack (coyote), NVGs, or an AS50 or M107

  3. I'm 16 years old so if that's going to be a problem don't even bother. I live on the East Coast of the US so only East Coast groups please.


    Group preferably between 3-6 members

    Please no old trolls

    Humorless or intensely-serious people, or people with an IQ higher than 80 need not apply.

    ^I keeed, I keeed but please don't shit yourself over small things.

    Preferably a group with a vehicle and some players with decent loot. (aka no double barrels or Wincesters pL0x)

    Must be able to tolerate semi-racial and sex jokes. (Im not really racist so before you trolls break your keyboards read the rest of the line <3)

    P.S. If you have extra ghillie suits, camo clothing, or backpacks (coyote) that you would give me, I will permanently become your sex slave.

    Thanks for yo' time nigs. <3333333

  4. I'm 16 years old so if that's going to be a problem don't even bother. I live on the East Coast of the US so only East Coast groups please.


    Group preferably between 3-6 members

    Please no old trolls

    Humorless or intensely-serious people, or people with an IQ higher than 80 need not apply.

    ^I keeed, I keeed but please don't shit yourself over small things.

    Preferably a group with a vehicle and some players with decent loot. (aka no double barrels or Wincesters pL0x)

    Must be able to tolerate semi-racial and sex jokes. (Im not really racist so before you trolls break your keyboards read the rest of the line <3)

    P.S. If you have extra ghillie suits, camo clothing, or backpacks (coyote) that you would give me, I will permanently become your sex slave.

    Thanks for yo' time nigs. <3333333
