I just wanted to thank TurkeyBacon and share the story of what happened. Well the first problem we ran into was simply that we were using different versions of DayZ. So while I was updating, he went out gathering the necessary supplies to heal my broken leg (and some ammo). Then I attempted to join a server so we could start, except one server for some reason started me at the coast instead of near Mogilevka. Specifically the coast of Elektro (kinda on the outside of it). I assume the issue had to do with that I was using an old version of Arma 2. Then while I was updating the version of Arma 2, he unfortunately ran into some bandits. So i finally figured out how to do that, and then some different bandits kill him before he could get to me. Oh and did I mention that this server I joined spawned me next to a zombie, while I was unarmed with a broken leg? And then bandits killed him on his way around north of Elektro. And then he finds a bus, and thinks "hey why not rescue him in a frikken bus?" The bus blew up. And then a miracle happened. Presumably there was a shootout in Elektro as there were quite a few unlooted dead bodies. Among those corpses he found NV goggles, an AK, Morphine, a bloodbag, a sidearm and ammo and the rest of the supplies to last him quite a while. This time he managed to get to me. So the moral of the story is that medics are damn dedicated, and bandits be bitches.