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Nedley Mandingo

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About Nedley Mandingo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nedley Mandingo

    Mandatory 3rd person disabled

    ^This, there's plenty of 3DP off servers, as well as a ton of servers that have Crosshairs off / combination of the too, why do you feel the need to try to get features removed and force everyone else to play the way YOU deem is the correct way when you can simply join one of the many 3DP off servers and both groups can have what they want? First person in video games is woefully unrealistic and will remain so for a very long time, and while 3DP isn't realistic in itself neither are zombies or people camping outside of towns and murdering people and alerting everyone in the area to their location just to be a dick, 3DP balances out the terrible first person some and it should remain up to the server owners to decide if it is turned on on their server or not. As for there being alot more 3DP on servers than there are 3DP off servers that right there should tell you that your opinion is not the popular opinion on the subject and that the majority prefer to have 3DP on, and majority rules.
  2. Nedley Mandingo

    [] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

    This is still happening, I killed a sniper at the NW airfield, and had to give my partner some morphine before I checked the body, the time span between death and getting to his death spot was less than a minute and his body was gone though I could hear the flies, sucks too cause he had an AS50 along with other untold goodies which would have been an acceptable replacement for my DMR.
  3. Nedley Mandingo

    US 401

    Ped you're either trolling or not to bright. See that last line there? It states that you can NOT be banned for ghosting (which isn't what you think it is, ghosting is using third party voice chat to gain an unfair advantage, check it: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ghosting%20video%20game).