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Posts posted by LowEstring

  1. Shit, I didn't know it was hacked in either. I found one on a dead body the other day thought it was the find of a lifetime! It was fun while it lasted though, being able to overwatch for a friend while they went looting for Jerry Cans etc. Can't believe how easy it is too see people with it! I let all the new-born spawns carry on their merry way but the couple who threatened my friend... bye bye

  2. To all the people complaining about the Debug monitor being on it's way out... it's called a DEBUG monitor for a reason! To DEBUG the game! It's in alpha ffs. You don't see debug "features" in release or usually even beta versions of games so consider yourselves lucky you've had it for this far!

    People don't care about the size of your e-peen except for you, but you're welcome to personally keep track of how many bandits/players you kill on your own. Being a usually friendly survivor myself I know I will be keeping track for each of my survivors lives. The only useful stat on that monitor anyway is the blood count, and that can still be approximated from the colour of your screen and the blood icon; if you can't guess that you're in bad shape from those two cues then there's no helping you sorry!

    On a more positive note, great job rocket and crew, I can't wait til my local servers get the latest version!

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  3. I've only been killed a few times by players, not sure which one was first. It was either:

    Went to cherno for the first time on a low-pop server. Looted the supermarket for some awesome stuff. Feeling good but still needing a gun I found the firestation. Climbing each floor being wary of windows. Must've got to close to one of them cos I got headshotted and dropped to the ground. Absolutely no idea where from.

    Other one, as a new spawn, running along the coast, stopped to loot one of the small towns. Was in a house looking for some stuff. No guns unfortunately, cos then someone ran in with a pistol and just opened up. Asshole

  4. Was running in the forest from north to electro to meet guys from a team speak server. Suddenly I saw a player checking his bag. Asked on ts if it was someone and it was negative. Put 2 akm bullets and lose sight of him. Shot 3 more rounds in the bushes and saw the death msg. I'm sry enkily or something like this. Was soo freaking scared. First time I actually saw a player in front of me.

    Really makes you think when you run into someone else ae! Do I kill this guy? Is he gonna kill me?

    I did have one other senseless murder yesterday. Ran into the control tower at Balota with some zombies behind me. Killed all them, more came, killed them too. Checked for loot in the building, there was nothing! Went back out and around to check for more zombies. Went back in again and there was a zombie on the bottom floor, started shooting it with my pistol, an f' me a player comes down the stairs. He started shooting too but I couldn't tell if he was shooting at me or the zombie! No time for chatter, he might kill me! So shot him first, then the zombie. So, sorry stu (on server NZ24 i think), you could have been trying to help :|

  5. My first player kill was in self defense. Just got to a barn n found a Lee Enfield. Wasn't too excited cos I know they attract zombies from miles away! Just picked it up though and another player came in with an axe. He didn't say anything and started to walk away, then thought it'd be funny to come and axe me in the leg! Broken leg, but headshotted him point blank in defense! Of course cue 10s of zombies plus bleeding out and I died as well.

    First senseless murder? I was trying to meet a friend who was making his way east not far north from the coast. He said he'd just found a castle so I assumed he meant that one near the south east corner (I forget it's name). While he was muckin round on the roof I headed over. Started climbing the steps and ran into a ghillie man looting stuff! Sick of being killed by ppl I didn't even give this guy a chance, so, painted his face with a shotgun! Sorry mate. Turns out my friend wasn't even in that castle, he was in another one further west... that was a fail. But I was pretty stoked to have survived a player encounter. Doesn't happen very often for me

  6. Lovin the stories atre, sounds like you're covering quite a lot of ground! I too have never found a compass in this game. I did once get given a map though (along with an M4A1 and a ghillie suit!), from a friendly guy at a castle in the east, can't remember it's name though.

    I had a very interesting encounter not long after being given that stuff. For some reason I decided to head back to the coast and follow the road south. Sticking to the bushes I noticed a truck parked on the road further up. Being suspicious I started crouching/crawling my way closer and when I was about 100m away I saw there was a guy standing next to it. He wasn't moving, perhaps he was checking it's gear or something. I crawled up closer, looking around to see if he was alone. He was. I was beginning to line him up for a headshot to steal his truck when BANG! Someone else also in a ghillie did the exact same thing from 40m behind me.

    Shocked by what had just happened and not wanting to take this guy on in a firefight (I'm still a bit of a noob at PC gaming) I watched him sprint over and drive off in the truck! Dead guy had some pretty nice loot, but still no compass! :P

    Not sure if I learnt anything from that encounter but I know that if I'd shot the truck guy first I would've got popped as well!

  7. I met a real nice person on my 2nd play. I ran up into the hills for fear of bandits on the coast. Found myself sifting through gear on the roof of some castle when someone else followed me up, heavily armed. He asked what I was up to, did I have food etc. I had nothing so he a gave me some food n drink and a pistol with a few mags. We looted the rest of the castle together and because I didn't betray him he gave me a scoped M4A1, a map, compass, and then left me a ghillie suit on the way out! :D

    Unfortunately I've forgotten the guys name and what server I was on. I was to slow to shoot a bandit the next day and lost all my precious gifts! Ever since then though it's been nothing but ppl killing me on sight. Usually while unarmed or aiming a flashlight at them!

  8. This seemed to work for me! I was in Balota airstrip with no problems. Completely forgetting about the artifacts I was tinkering with my video settings cos I was getting a bit of a slow FPS. Something caused the artifacts to appear and I couldn't get out of them!

    Closed the game, made the settings the same as the list above, log back in and perfect! I could see! Now I just have to get out of there alive...
