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About Helldesk

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    On the Coast
  1. Helldesk

    Are the new female skins racist?

    But what was the problem that was supposedly solved?
  2. Helldesk

    Romero style zombies!

    I seem to remember it having been said that they are a play on modern fears. Probably one of a (viral) infection and so the "zeds" are sick people and the survivors are the few who were immune. Think 28 Days Later (only without a transmissible infection), not zombies. In any case, they run ridiculously fast. It breaks my immersion when both the player and the zombies end up hauling ass cross-country through the entirety of Chernarus without breaking a sweat. Sure, one could technobabble that their condition might give them a natural boost somewhat like metamphetamine does, but the problem remains that the player has very limited options to solve the dilemma of a chasing horde. Most of the problems come from the clumsy Arma2 engine, though. It simply does not do fast action. Getting onto a ladder takes more than enough time it takes for the zeds to break a bone or two! Crawling through a crack in a wall takes even longer, and even if you succeed, the zeds will glitch through the wall after you. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't mind the "fast zombies", I just wish the game engine wasn't an enemy to fight against as well.
  3. Date/Time: Every playing session since 1.5.8(.x) What happened: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemPainkillers'. No painkillers are to be found in normal loot piles anywhere. Where you were: Supermarkets, deer stands, apartments, churches, etc. What you were doing: Looting for painkillers. Current installed version: This is a weird problem. Every now and then I get a dialog box with the error "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemPainkillers'." and it happens either right after spawning (somewhere around a place where there are loot drops) or when I click G or Gear to loot a pile of gear. I have not seen painkillers lying on a floor for a long time; the last time I did was in 1.5.7. In I have only once found painkillers, which was when looting a soldier zombie (where the 3D model does not need to be displayed on the ground). It would appear painkillers can't exist for me on the ground, only in inventories (including the starting inventory). Last time I accidentally (automatically) dropped my starting Painkillers when picking up another item, and the Painkillers disappeared. It is as if they cannot exist, like the model is somehow missing or something!
  4. Helldesk

    Build Hotfix

    Seems like it its now impossible to defend yourself against a horde inside a town; new zombies spawn before the last one alive has walked inside the building you defend, thus creating an infinite loop and a mountain of bodies - until you run out of ammo or log out. Also, new zombies spawning near the player is a definite no-no. It makes it impossible to plan ahead for sneaking around them. Once a zombie even visibly popped into existence in front of me, if my eyes did not deceive me. Another thing: would it be possible to make zombies not see and hear through walls?
  5. Helldesk

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Now that is out, I am looking for the 1.5.7 files in the hopes that some servers still run that version. Does anybody have copies?
  6. Most of the time in game is now spent indoors waiting for the temperature to slowly, slowly increase while you grow hungry and get more thirsty. This discourages actually playing the game. If realism is the aim, you should be fine if you have warm and DRY clothing and enough food. The human body consumes energy from food and produces excess heat when doing anything significant. I just spent at least half an hour inside a barn waiting and gaining maybe six points of TempVal, all of which and more I lost when running outside for something like 200 meters. There was firewood in there, but I have never possessed matches.
  7. Helldesk

    Build Hotfix

    Oh yes, I should mention as well, that this has been the best that has been happening in gaming in a while! As an on-going experiment it has already been a resounding success, with some slight tweaking to be expected. I like the design philosophy and have no complaints about that. The only things that take away from the experience are ArmA2 engine limitations and clumsiness, and zombies that never ever give up if you attract a horde in the wilderness. Ever tried to escape into a deer stand with zombies breathing at your neck? Can't be done without injuries. Oh, and the new temp system still needs some slight tuning, can't imagine one could survive a night realistically. Also having to spend hours inside every gaming session... well, I'm sure it will be sorted out in time.
  8. Helldesk

    Build Hotfix

    I am stuck inside a barn with the temp value climbing ever so slowly, maybe two points in maybe fifteen minutes. Getting hungry and thirsty. Will this be the death of me?