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About AudioZOMBIE15

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    On the Coast
  1. AudioZOMBIE15

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    this is happening to me too-.- its sooooo annoying, someone needs to fix this. My game was working fine until this happened.
  2. Hi, I have been playing Day Z for a couple of weeks now, and I never had a problem with it up until yesterday. I had a DMR and I was somewhere near Elecktro, and I logged out. The next day I logged back in and I was back on the coast with all of my gear. Then someone shot me. I thought it was just a minor glitch or something like that so I didn't really worry about it. So as I continued on playing, I found a house that I was able to go into and I found a hatchet, I took that and I logged out, and again the same thing happened. I spawned at the coast with all of my equipment from my last save was. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! It's really annoying me now-.-