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Everything posted by sawyer42

  1. NO simply because of how frustrating and annoying that would make death, and the potential for greifing is just too much the only way I could see this working is with a serious rework of the spawning system. Personally I'd rather see some development of some kind of grouping mechanics. P.S. I have a Handgun at home
  2. The Day Z ID would have a handful of important information displayed on it. I've mocked up an Example Below. (Sry you might have to DL it or open in another window) [attachment=287] Player A is moving into Zelenogorsk after moving into the town he sees Player B dart across a street. Player A then asks Player B if he's friendly. Player B responds "Yes". At this point Player A has Player B's name and Vice Versa they can both stop to open the M menu and scroll through the player list looking for each other. Once Player A finds Player B and sees that he's a stand up guy who hasn't committed a murder since last Wednesday and has a Humanity score of 2700. Player A then knows something about Player B and can make a decision based on that info. The point of this system would be too maintain the current suspense of meeting strangers (Since it would take vital time to check another players ID it couldn't be checked quickly therefore maintaining the suspense.) while laying the ground work for more player cooperation. EVE Online has a system very similar to this which works very well. You wouldn't see all this info pop up when you looked at someone you would have to go out of your way to find it. I think a system such as this could be done on an Opt in basis and still function in practice. Further down the line an ID system like this could be used to create a "Bounty List" where Players could put bounties on Bandits or Survivors who had wronged them. Example Survivor A is killed by Bandit B, Survivor A would then put a certain number of items (Or some other commodity) that are in their possession into escrow with the main server. Then when Bounty Hunter C kills Bandit B he will be given the items put in escrow by Player A. Granted this bounty system would require many more systems than are currently in place (Namely allowing players some amount of storage which they can have between servers). Its just one example of what could be done by making public stats which are already tracked by the main server also by making it easier to gauge other survivors the creation of player clans and groups easier.
  3. sawyer42

    Replace Humanity with a DAY Z ID card

    Actually it wouldn't kill the suspense. Let me give an example of how this system would work in practice. The Day Z ID would have a handful of important information displayed on it. I've mocked up an Example Below. (Sry you might have to DL it or open in another window) [attachment=286] Player A is moving into Zelenogorsk after moving into the town he sees Player B dart across a street. Player A then asks Player B if he's friendly. Player B responds "Yes". At this point Player A has Player B's name and Vice Versa they can both stop to open the M menu and scroll through the player list looking for each other. Once Player A finds Player B and sees that he's a stand up guy who hasn't committed a murder since last Wednesday and has a Humanity score of 2700. Player A then The point of this system would be too maintain the suspense of meeting players while laying the ground work for more player cooperation. EVE Online has a system very similar to this which works very well. You wouldn't see all this info pop up when you looked at someone you would have to go out of your way to find it. Further down the line an ID system like this could be used to create a "Bounty List" where Players could put bounties on Bandits or Survivors who had wronged them. Example Survivor A is killed by Bandit B, Survivor A would then put a certain number of items (Or some other commodity) that are in their possession into escrow with the main server. Then when Bounty Hunter A kills Bandit B he will be given the items put in escrow by Player A. Granted this bounty system would require many more systems than are currently in place (Namely allowing players some amount of storage which they can have between servers). I believe simply adding the ID system would greatly add to the Day Z experience simply because it would help to facilitate the creation of player Clans and groups among strangers. At the moment the major problem with Day Z is it takes about 3 or 4 days to do everything there is to do, and everything that can currently be done can be done solo. Giving players very little incentive to group together, I know players who after a few bad experiences almost exclusively solo Day Z now just because they don't want to have to worry about being killed by other players. If this is happening to a few players then there is serious reason to be concerned with player burn-out (after all no one plays a single player game forever)