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About Atlas.

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    On the Coast
  1. Ive had the same Semi issue as him, i didnt get curious tho, i got tired, after surviving for 11 dayz with my friend, building a Ural and Loading it,a Hacker Mortared me in the Ural when i was gunna pick him up from a fuel run and he got fully auto As50'ed or something, Me being pissed and all, Youtubed it, (idle'd in server) used Cheat engine, and scripted, just so i could atleast fight back or something, respawn my exact gear, i know its my fault i got banned but, i''ve played legit every day of my life on this game except for the five minutes i hacked, am i really condemed to WarZ after Loving this Mod so much, Completely my fault, My Morals in my opinion had nothing to do with this, i think of myself as a vigilante, going against the law to protect it. i just wanna play again, so my question is, is it safe to re buy (on another steam account) Arma 2 and OA, you know what, i even bought PMC just for the skins, i had no intention of being banned, so Yeah, if i re buy them and re install will i still be Global banned? or is my whole computer compromised... Inb4namecalling
  2. Atlas.

    The Fallen Clan Recruiting!

    17 Canada Ive been playing for around 3-4months Squishyy M4A1 CCO+M1911 Scout/Medic theseventhfold Love the clan name by the way,
  3. Well if your interested im on right now, Just died by a hacker, add my skype if yah got it
  4. Im a pretty decent shot, Skype: theseventhfold, Steam: CaptainSquishyy, im a hero in game (5000+ humanity if you didnt know) im just lookin for a friend to play with seeing as mine dont play that often, Im 17 M and live in Canada, im only looking for 1 person so not a group,