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About Carve

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Ohio, USA
  1. Carve

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    this. We were told March 15th (then 17th, 18th, and 25th)..
  2. Carve

    Origins 1.6 Massive update

    Would love server files as well..
  3. Updated DayZ Epoch client to v1.0.0.1
  4. Updated to DayZ Epoch 1.0 Traders are now also working Changed view distance to 1500m Removed Fog Lowered Rain chance to 20%
  5. Carve

    Dayz Faith

    I would like to request an intro be made for a new series I plan on starting next week, it's for DayZ Epoch (on the Taviana map), do you think an intro is possible?
  6. Trader Hubs are in. Trader's themselves are in (but) not currently functioning.
  7. Carve

    New Dayz Origins server

    Might I ask how you got the server files for DayZ Origins? Or is it unofficial or one of the GMX servers?
  8. Updated Client to 0.999 Updated Server to 0.999 Changed MaxPing from 250 -> 350. Changed frequency of vehicles and road debris. Changed overall spawn radius of vehicles and road debris. Fixed a few loot locations where you could fall through the floor.
  9. Updated map changes, Traders and their Hubs should be in tonight!
  10. Certainly don't, either is fine, simply reply and let me know what they/it is.
  11. Do you have some type of communication service (i.e. Skype) that I could assist you?
  12. Come check out the Basement Wizards DayZ Epoch Taviana server, more info here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/128593-basement-wizards-dayz-epoch-now-open/
  13. Changes made thus far today: 204 more vehicle spawns (80% on smaller isle) Fixes for spawn issue New spawn points added, old spawn points removed (spawning in ocean no more!) Fixed issues with the Arma2OA Profile on server, map tracking should now work and crosshairs are now again off. Fixed issues with loot not correctly spawning inside some buildings.
  14. Updated to 0.998 + Taviana. Details on how to join / install are on the first post now.
  15. Replaced L85A2 with G36_C_SD_eotech Replaced AS50 with M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo Replaced M107 with LRR Scoped Replaced M16A2 with G36a Replaced M1014 with M16A2 Replaced MR43 with AK_74 Replaced AK74_U with AK_107 Kobra Of course this includes the needed ammunition as well.