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Everything posted by cj14

  1. cj14

    The only way base building will workout

    I think the best way this could workout would be to barricade and fortify not-essential buildings, creating underground hideouts and building rustic structures on the world map. Maybe not being persistent across all servers, and giving a notice when you join a server that has another user created structure on the place you used to had yours so you could change the servers... Anyway, I'll just grab some tents and wire fence and go to the woods with my bike and survive the zombies
  2. cj14

    KSK/Saiga 12

    I think this weapon was in Arma 2 so expect to see it in-game
  3. cj14

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    I've read several threads and most of those weapons won't make into the game due to its origin or its military grade or it unrealistic chance to find
  4. I...don't think that is a good idea at all...in fact I think is so fucking horrible :( maybe just adding a sound when interacting with it like in Max Payne or Metro 2033 but to have a "talent" is just not what this game is all about. You're missing the point on this game, if you want to develop a musical talent try Sims or Guitar/DJ hero...I'm sure you'll like those
  5. I would hate a launcher. We already recieve that lastest updates on the game as well as reviews, critics and all kinds of news regarding the game in the game's steam library page, we don't need a launcher or news on the main menu...
  6. cj14

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Because Dean works for Bohemia, so Bohemia was who made the Standalone version of the game possible, of course they needed to use their engine...
  7. cj14

    Add more Zombies to solve KOS

    they will put more zombies and hordes as well...just give it time, plus there are other ways to prevent KoS and encourage the players into a more co-op friendly survival horror expierence, like giving negative perks to killers or adding steam achievements to the game (friendly achievements, nothing of "kill 100 players" and shit)
  8. cj14


    it's not a simulator lol...is a survival horror (or is supposed to) and having zombie kids would be awesome...not a playable avatar
  9. cj14

    What do we really want as far as zombies?

    zombies should be (at least the 90% of them) really slow, like the ones on walking dead or resident evil 1, 2 or 3...they should follow you and spawn inside buildings and in the forest...Also be in massive numbers all across the map
  10. cj14

    Misc Crafting Ideas [SA]

    I like the ductape ideas :D and the arm wraps
  11. cj14

    Roaming Zombie Hordes of Doom

    Love the idea...and across the whole map, even in the woods or in buildings so we can get the surpise when looting one or getting or little camp raided by those monsters :D (when possible)
  12. I think is a bad idea, even the thing about regular/hardcore doesn't sound quite right...is a survival horror game (or is supposed to be) so we need to be only 1 person in the game and that person must be persisten across the whole game...wheter is regular or hxc, private or public
  13. it's pretty unrealistic, but I have no problem with it, I'm even used to hear that...although I would love to hear some gunshots, shit burning, zombie moaning and survivors screams as ambient sounds
  14. cj14

    My crotch is itchy !

    "churnarus" pls
  15. cj14

    Cant Wait Till Chainsaws......

    Uh, yes :D too bad we can use burlap sacks as a mask now :c I used to scare player wearing canvas pants, burlap sack, and a splitting axe
  16. This shit isn't hardcore at all...hope it turns though :D
  17. cj14

    Mosin or M4?

    Mosin all day
  18. cj14

    Do you feel forced to use a Mosin?

    Oh yes, I am force to use any bolt-action-with-a-scope shit <3
  19. cj14

    Realistic Zombie Behavior - and Birds !

    zombies are not real, so I don't really care the technical definition...as far as I know...zombies in resident evil are people infected with T-Virus that takes over the body and the ones in DayZ are pretty much the same, the only difference is that we do not know the source of the infection. Either way, they're already dead. So I think zombies apply pretty well to both cases PD: I mean zombies from Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3...4, 5, 6, ORC does not apply to this (and the games were fucking awful too)
  20. cj14

    Clothing Ideas

    Elza Walker approves this
  21. cj14

    Zombie's Sounds

    Hi, we all know how the zombie's sound in DayZ and it looks like Chernarussian's zombies does not sounds like zombies...So it would be nice to hear some serious zombie sounds all over the map, sounds like these
  22. cj14

    Realistic Zombie Behavior - and Birds !

    I would like to see zombies behave like the ones on Resident Evil 1, 2, 3
  23. cj14

    Zombie's Sounds

    Yeah, Resident Evil 3 was my first zombie game and first childhood trauma. Love the zombie behaviour, the sound, movement and reaction...wish I could see that on DayZ
  24. cj14

    Sig Sauer P226

    I don't like Sig Sauer
  25. cj14


    No More Room in Hell added little kids since the first day and we all love to kill that blonde bitch