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Everything posted by stealth2668

  1. Anyone else getting really long load times? like 3 minutes +?
  2. Ok well I added you. May the Thomas guy above can show us where to get better weapons if he's down.
  3. Sure. I haven't explored north of the two main cities; Cherno and Elektro so I can't guide you to the good weapons but maybe you and I can go with someone who knows where the good stuff is.
  4. stealth2668

    Need a DayZ Bud

    Steam: Stealth421 mostly play in evenings after 10pm EST (because of work)
  5. Add me on steam: Stealth421 Been playing for a few weeks and know what I'm doing. Just recently died so I gotta restart.
  6. I believe I'm currently using because if i join a server running it always freezes on the load screen where as servers generally work all the time. I thought my game updates automatically but it doesn't seem to be the case. I use six updater and dayzcommander. Can anyone tell me how to update so I can play on the newer version (which is the majority of servers). Thanks.
  7. stealth2668

    How do you update to

    Oh I see. Thanks
  8. stealth2668

    Stuck in loading after installed

    Same, really annoying
  9. What's your server and steam ID?
  10. Can I join you guys? Add me: Stealth421 I'm not a noob, and I'm heading towards Elektro along the shore. Recently died so i only have a few supplies, a lee Einfield (sp?) and m1911
  11. stealth2668

    Looking to play with fun player(s)

    ...ya, you dont seam to exist. DR Shamu isthe only option
  12. also post your steam so ppl can add you. mine is: Stealth421
  13. what time do you play? Im on after 10pm EST during the week cause of work?
  14. stealth2668

    Looking to form or join a group.

    Do you play on evenings? like after 10 pm EST?
  15. stealth2668


  16. stealth2668

    looking for survivors to team with

    Steam: Stealth421 sent a request if I can join too.
  17. stealth2668

    The Watch is now recruiting

    "Interview"? *prints up resume, gathers reference into, puts on shirt and tie*
  18. stealth2668

    Survivor group Recruitment

    Hey add me on skype: Tristan2668 Steam: Stealth421 I'm on most nights after 10 pm EST Also you said 12 and up, how old are you guys and what time do you usually play?
  19. stealth2668

    Game takes FOREVER to load?

    ya i guess it was frozen and i thought it was still loading. Rejoined and it was much quicker? Also how do you update? I used the six updater and looked for updates but I don't think it worked. I still Have
  20. Will the updates stop coming once the stand alone version is out, forcing us to buy the stand alone? Or will it be an alternative to those who don't want to buy Arma 2:combined ops? I ask because I mainly bought Arma 2:CO for dayz although i did play through the campaign. The AI is terrible and I'm fed up with it because they don't follow orders and die as a result but dayz makes it worth the money by adding a whole new experience, but I don't want to buy it again. On the other hand why would they let us keep playing for free? How does it benifit them and how will they recoup the money they have spent so far?
  21. Sup, I'm 21, got a mic and speak English. Steam: Stealth421
  22. Cool, thanks D-bag. Any way, so they will be dropping support for this current version and focus only on the stand alone then? I guess we are just testers then for the final product it seems.