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About Brandnew11980

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    Rhode Island
  1. Brandnew11980

    Need assistance

    Sweet avatar duuuuude. If I still had Arma installed I'd help.
  2. Brandnew11980

    Dayz Talk show?

    I've seen someone on here who calls themselves the DayZ journalist or something like that. I would try and get in touch with them. I love to read stories but I can't stand to read more than a few before wanting to boot up and play myself. This way I could listen while I play this or Skyrim.
  3. Brandnew11980

    I am such a evil B****** lol

    Definitely would've shot you as soon as he could.
  4. Brandnew11980

    Dayz Bliss (Private Hive, has hackers though)

    No proof to either story. OP post a video of them spawning the box, server dudes post the logs. Cut the girly finger pointing out and try to actually get to the bottom of it.
  5. Brandnew11980

    Photos and Books (Standalone)

    I seriously like this idea!
  6. Brandnew11980

    The enraged cry of a man killed in church.

    The hell did you have to do to get on there? lol Also, that can't be real money can it?
  7. Brandnew11980

    The enraged cry of a man killed in church.

    Where is your sig from?
  8. *puts in makarov* *takes out AK/M4/AS50 5 minutes later* *trollface*
  9. Brandnew11980

    The enraged cry of a man killed in church.

    Looked like you went to loot him after you killed him, if so, I see no problem with this. However, you purposely killed him cause he wouldn't listen to you and was obviously going about his business? Dick move. I was playing Lingor and saw a guy running, followed by a group of 3 guys. Turns out the 3 guys offered us both help. Guy in the group (we'll refer to him as groupdouche from now on) was talking over side chat asking if the other guy needed help cause he had a lot of aggro). About a minute passed as we ran into a barn to type out no thanks... other guy gets his out and is going back and forth with mr. groupdouche. I have mine almost ready to send when groupdouche comes in spraying an AK killing us both. I asked him why he killed us and he said because we didn't respond. Which was funny because he was having a conversation with other guy 10 seconds before. When I pointed this out to him with mentioning that we were running the complete opposite direction they were heading he changed his story to "ok so I went out of my way for 2 kills" Like WTF. If you want attention that badly that when it's not given it's forcefully taken, and then you laugh about it like you're happy you just did it knowing you ruined his time playing, the fuck kind of sad life are you living that that seems like something funny to do? I don't get it. I know it's only a game and all but what the fuck. This gameplay caters to sociopaths.
  10. Brandnew11980

    Getting banned from a server to protect players?

    Was ready to jump down your throat for being d-bags but it seems they brought it on themselves this time by using side chat. I used to be up in arms about bandits but DayZ is so fucking boring now I'm starting to understand it.
  11. How hard is it to fucking read? I've seen numerous people on here being grammar Nazi's when the OP isn't even that bad. Is this what these forums have become?
  12. Brandnew11980

    Why do you lose items while swimming?!

    I guess I'll role play it like I narrowly escaped making it across. Wish I at least didn't lose the L85 though. :(
  13. Brandnew11980

    Why do you lose items while swimming?!

    ...or have tents on Skalisty Island. Guess I know who's tent it was now. Wish I made a mental note of the server. I'm 99% certain it was the one I think but I don't want to condemn the wrong one.
  14. Brandnew11980

    Why do you lose items while swimming?!

    So you're telling me that servers can somehow enable you to lose items when you swim? Am I understanding that correctly?