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About iTry

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Character Name: iTry Why are you a good team player? I communicate I have high end equipment and I have something many others dont have, Experience. How many hours per week do you play? On a good week 20+ on weeks im real busy 5-15 Real Name: Jake What is your favorite weapon? Any Scoped weapon Such as M16 CCO, M4 Aim, all snipers etc... How Long Have You Played Dayz: a month after it came out What Can YOU Offer The Clan: I can offer the clan a great team player who isnt afraid to take a chance on hunting down bigger groups than I and succeding with my Superior Fighting tactics. Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Always, I'd rather say i died fighting for someone than live to be a puss What is most important to you in Dayz? Having a good teamate/Squad to back me up knowing they would through there gear on the line for me which i would do the same Time Zone: Eastern Pacific Age: 23 Additional Comment: I hate playing alone and i am very lucky in terms of gear just the other day i found 4 ghilie suits in Lingor and a M24 sniper. The highest kills i have ever had was 200 Zombie Kills 15 Murders and 5 bandit kills. I love the game and id die for someone who would do the same, Trust is the main idea for any group.
  2. So I was at Stary, then i logged whent to sleep, relogged and BAM! i was back at the shore. Dafug please fix i guess i dont need a spawn back there..... woulkd love 1 though.
  3. iTry

    DayZ Bug Tracker

    So i legged it to Stary Sober from elektro then i looted it found some downed helis then whent in the woods and logged off. Well when i came back on (diff server if it matters) i was not in the same location i was in i still have all my gear but it respawned me ON THE SHORE LINE!!!! Please get a admin to read this its pissing me off.....