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About VossRG

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  1. At around 19:00 EST, the US 542 SLC server was hacked. Everyone on the server died instantly. My group had just gotten back together, having taken a break from DayZ. We had just put down our first tent ever, and had started to make plans for the future, when the loser struck. We had taken a break from DayZ after my ghilie suit disappeared when logging in a few weeks back, which was quite disheartening and drastically changed the tactics we could employ. Now yet again, our progress has been wiped out in the blink of an eye. In other games, hackers can only ruin the session you happen to be in. In DayZ, they can erase weeks of effort and good fortune. The hacking has to be stopped.
  2. If you're new to ArmA, as I am, you should check the other options that are available online. My friend and I stumbled upon a server running an Insurgency 1.50 game yesterday. It was a total blast. No extra downloads were required.
  3. http://picacid.com/arma2/imgs/Land_hut06.jpg I found mine in this dinky little shed - after searching apartment buildings and half of the rest of the city. You never know when you'll find one.
  4. Rocket has mentioned that he would like to have a more subtle system to replace the HUD. Software development requires tradeoffs. Maybe things had to be simplified in order to have a gorgeous, realistic 225 sq. km map. However, I believe the ACE mod for ArmA 2 does incorporate wind. Whether it's possible to have wind effects for 50+ people all over the map, I don't know. Please show me the 225 sq. km maps in Counter Strike. Yeah, it'd be so much better if building interiors were treated as as their own worlds, separate from the game map. :rolleyes: Every time that I play DayZ I am struck by the simple beauty and attention to detail that ArmA 2 provides.
  5. One of the guys in my group became infected. He checked hospitals ~30 times, and never once found any antibiotics. In the end, he gave up and respawned on the coast. He took 1 hit from a zombie. He bandaged and thought he was fine - until he started coughing yet again. A few hours later, he died and respawned. At one point he noticed he was wounded, but he didn't know how, as he didn't have any encounters with zeds or humans. He then starting coughing again. The chances of being infected 2 times in 24 hours, despite limited zombie contact must be extremely low. This is why we were wondering if it was possible for your avatar to remain infected after death. And does anyone else think that the antibiotics spawn rate is stupidly low?
  6. Your flawed logic is even worse. You can't check ever tree line for snipers, and you can't guarantee that someone won't spawn in or reach the tree line you just left when heading to a town.My friend and I were walking in the woods one day, when while checking our 6, I happened to see a survivor going prone, apparently ready to shoot. That's the only thing that saved us. If I had looked over my other shoulder instead, I wouldn't have seen him, and might have been killed. If he had a gillie suit, I probably wouldn't have seen him either way. Was our surviving that encounter, and the following 3 weeks due to our "awesome skillz", and that "noob's" failure? Of course not. It comes down to chance, pure and simple.
  7. Earlier today, I attempted to switch my Enfield for a Kobra and an M24 that I found in a deer stand. But I forgot that my avatar is a complete moron, so when I went to drop the CZ 550 I was carrying around for the M24, I of course dropped ALL the ammo in my active inventory, including the sole AK mag that I picked up with the Kobra. And since deer stands actually exist in a different dimension, the magazine disappeared from this universe as soon as it hit the floor. Later, I came across an M4A1 CCO and another clip of M24 ammo in a different stand. I picked up the M24 immediately, but wary of losing its ammo, so I returned to the ground and attempted to switch it to my bag before I dropped the ammo-less Kobra. But what my avatar decided to do a magic trick, made all M24 ammo disappear into the ether. :@ Right now, the most difficult part of the game isn't surviving the apocalypse, but mastering the complex task of placing and removing items from a backpack. I don't care if this is ARMA's problem, and not DayZ's. ARMA is not an MMO where loot is worth its weight in gold. DayZ is. And if it's ever going to be sold commercially, you can guarantee that reviewers will not be kind when it comes to the user interface. The current POS inventory could be changed to something like this, consisting of 4 columns: Ground - Primary - Pistol - Backpack Everything would be visible all at once, and transferring or dropping items would be done by drag and drop. You could even make a column grey out if the item selected can't be placed there.
  8. Does anyone know how far the sound from an Enfield shot travels? I once saw a visual comparison that someone had made between the CZ and the nerfed Winchester, and I was wondering if that existed for the Enfield too. I ask because I had always heard that it'll instantly aggro any zed close by, yet I just cleared a deer stand of zeds from perhaps 90-100 meters out, and didn't aggro any of them. Thanks
  9. On Thursday, my friend and I came across the aftermath of a firefight in Zub. We cleared the tower, and then nervously looted the dead, certain that we would be attacked at any moment. I found an M4A3 CCO with 4 mags, as well as a camoflauge uniform. We made it out safely, and I changed into the camo skin. Then we logged out. When I logged in the next day, I was treading water, a kilometer from shore. My M4A3 was gone. This really sucked, because I still hand't had a chance to use it in game. In the Armory missions, I was really impressed with its performance, and was looking forward to firing it. When I spawned in the ocean and knew that it was gone forever, I was crestfallen. I posted in the debug spawn forum about my plight. Then the forum reset, and the thread was gone. By Monday, I was really missing playing DayZ, so I said to hell with it and swam to shore. When I was finally able to open my gear, I found that I had lost everything except my map, knife etc., my M24 and ammo (which was thankfully in my bag), and a can of Coke. The Coke quenched my thirst, and was the only thing that saved me. Playing on an easy mode server, I saw on the map that I was not far at all from the forest southwest of Kamenka. So I ran for a few minutes and made it there, having lost 5000 units of blood. Without that drink, I would have been on death's door by the time I reached the woods. My friend and I met up and helped restore my health, (though logging in on a daylight server kicked my blood level back up to 11,000 anyway) and travelled north to start hitting some deer stands and a barn. We had just checked one deer stand, and were about 50 meters into the tree line when we heard shots. My friend wanted to take off, but I insisted on sticking around. The shots were fairly close, but they weren't directed at us. We figured the shooter must have been going after the zombies around the deer stand. Sure enough, after a few minutes a survivor ran to the deer stand and climbed to the top. I hastily switched to my M24, and killed him. When I went to check out his loot, what gun did he have? The M4A3 CCO. With the magazine I looted, and the 3 SD magazines that my friend was kind enough to hold on to, I was now essentially right back to where I was before the spawn bug. I guess the moral is, never give up hope - you don't know when the Fates will smile upon you. Oh, and check deer stands for loot BEFORE killing the zeds and giving away your position.
  10. VossRG

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    *facepalm*Actually' date=' if every post in that thread was a unique report, then about 650 people in the former thread did "ask for special treatment." Of course, if you worked on your reading comprehension, you might realize that they were not asking for anything special. Before the forum reset, there was an official thread about this issue. The first post was from a moderator, asking players to give their info and proof of their plight, so that they could be reset. This was not asking for special treatment. A moderator started the damn thread, and offered to help people. If the devs don't have time for this, WHY DID THEY OFFER TO ADDRESS IT? Everyone knows that it's a free mod in alpha. The devs know that its a free mod in alpha too. And yet, they offered to help. If they decide that they can't, fine. But it's reasonable to see if they are still willing, especially when they reiterated that intent less than 24 hours before the forum reset. *golfclap*If I had only run of the mill stuff, or if I had been using my stuff for awhile, I would just reset. But the thing is, just before I logged out, my friend and I stumbled upon the aftermath of a firefight at Zub, where I got an M4A3 CCO with 4 mags off some poor soul. That happened about 10 - 15 minutes before my fatal logout. I hadn't even had a chance to use the M4. The next day I spawned in the ocean, my M4 gone. I will most likely NEVER run across that gun again. I don't particularly want to lose the M24 in pack, either. I could try surviving, but I'm not sure I have any drinks in my pack, and my water was already flashing red due to the human body's known inability to survive without liquid for 18 hours. :rolleyes: Maybe the devs will change their minds, and tell us nothing can be done. If so, so be it. But seeing as how they themselves offered to address the issue, and said as much not one day before the forum reset, it is reasonable to at least ask if it's still possible. Now, let's see if you can drop your tough guy BS (which gets really tiresome on this site), and actually understand the situation.
  11. VossRG

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    That's funny, because before the forum reset, the mod who was responding to the previous 65 page thread locked it, for the stated reason of dealing with that huge list of players.And guess what, people were reset in the beginning of that thread. So resets did happen, and there was intent to do it again. It's thus reasonable to ask for this.
  12. *edit* I made it back to the forest, and with the help of a friend and incredible luck, I got almost everything that I lost - so no resets are needed now.
  13. It's madness to have to leave a forest to get firewood. So just replace the wood item with lighter fluid. Lighter fluid would fit it in better with its spawn locations (unlike like firewood in a grocery store). It would still accomplish the exact same purpose as the wood mechanic - to force players to keep looting and not just keep hunting in safety.