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About RaedwulfGamer

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. RaedwulfGamer

    They have gotten smarter (lookouts)

    I was just killed by one today ...after crawling 30 minutes through a small town -.-
  2. RaedwulfGamer

    Hatchet Squad, who needs pistols?

    After the newest update spawning without a pistol seems troublesome. We all managed to find hatchets though, and we did eventually meet up after 2 and a half hours of being shot by others while dong a live stream. Out of the total of 6 hours of this DayZ stream, trying to stay alive and meet up through this now extremely difficult game, the highlight was this 1 minute and 30 seconds.......we are the hatchet squad -->
  3. I know the zombies don't have any AI, but is there a way to give them a script to move? I wonder, can you even spawn the zeds from dayz in the editor?
  4. RaedwulfGamer

    Help people learning how to play DayZ

    Lets pretend the boarded up house theory is accurate. Why are there so many zombies? -> If 99% of all houses are boarded up, and there's 'no way in/out'. Why are there so many zombies? Where did they come from if everyone just died off inside their homes? Makes no sense.
  5. RaedwulfGamer

    Help people learning how to play DayZ

    It is not realistic. This game, and no game is close to realistic. Just because it has a steep learning curve and you die fast does not make a game real. It's anything but real..it's fun..but clunky..movement is clunky..in life everything you do is fluid because you do it every day..to me movement in a game like battlefield is more realistic because it's responsive in the way that you are in real life.... Don't give me the gear weighs a lot line...arma is not realistic. No game is even close to being realistic yet..so I wish people would stop forcing steep learning curves and saying derp realistic edit: I'm a human, I move around..I know what it's like to move around <--had to say that in case someone tried to sell me on arma movement being realistic. It's all in your heads
  6. I don't want the game to be casual. It was just challenging enough before Rocket went and made it beyond ridiculous. I already have a job, don't need two. I like a good challenge, but not an unforgiving crawling-does-nothing anymore simulator.
  7. I've been playing games since the NES. I host live-streams of DayZ and play for hours at a time (11 hours was the last livestream) I play with 5 other players and we hold our own pretty well.... Until the new update. We did a live-stream last night for 6 hours and got nowhere. We went to the armory/editor and messed around in there for the remainder of the stream..we felt that Rocket is taking the game way too far. It's NEVER going to be realistic..it never was realistic..it's unbearibly difficult and frustrating now. I know there are people on here who have nothing to do in their life but play games for days on end.....but for most of us...we can't be sneaking for an hour to a small town, only to be killed because the game is just insanely unforgiving...the mod needs options to cater to other players....I love this game so much I wanted to do weekly live-streams but it's borderline unplayable right now. It went from fun to a frustrating mess. The more you tinker with it the worse it gets. Decisions like spawning with no weapon or making zombies aggrivated from an even further distance even while prone...are decisions that change the game ENTIRELY. The game was balanced enough before where you could roll out with your squad, maintain for a while, sneak by zombies into big cities...now it's just a mess... I really hope the game becomes more playable in the future for most players.
  8. RaedwulfGamer

    Dayz in Editor?

    Ah ...turns out zombies AI are server side :(
  9. RaedwulfGamer

    Dayz in Editor?

    ..Title says it all, anyway to spawn zombie models in the editor? at all? Thanks bruhs!
  10. So about 8 hours into the live-stream on the hunt for a bus.. It all started with Kahuna. We believe he lost his mind. It began with a harmless trolling, and ended with something different ;_;... ..we all drank from the same water supply :P By the way, if you're interested in watching the entire live-stream, it is available on my channel. We got into a few zombie shootdowns in supermarkets. Some sneaking around zeleno and cherno. We went through some military places, we killed some other players and finalized it with a six man olympic run (holding flares) running full steam into cherno. It all ended poorly for everyone, but me who survived the longest and managed to do get a bit of vengeance :) One of the others I was playing with (I call him pixels in game) is Nukedpixels. He has his own youtube channel with hundreds of videos. Here is his; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh2dYhXv1Bg&list=UUnZVqZOZGaJPK-dodWSAIoA&index=1&feature=plcp
  11. After an 11 hour live session on twitch last night that was went so awesomely. We decided to end it by holding flares and booking it to Cherno. We ended up running into trouble (we expected to) and most of us died.... see what happens next here ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHitk5CXXU0
  12. RaedwulfGamer

    Dayz LIVE Fixn dem vehiculars (or tryn to)

    W00t, we're live. *bump*
  13. Hazzor..you're paranoid..get rid of the dumb logo..I play live and let people know the server I'm in..so what if I'm sniped..in fact I had two guys meet up with me and four others and we got along great for 6 hours.. seriously get rid of the logo and dumb walrus picture..it looks very poor
  14. Due to the success of my dayz play videos, and the success of my first ever live-stream I've decided to do host another session this weekend. Here's my video with details and some fun:)
  15. Thanks for the comments guy. As for answering calmly to the first comment on my video, best not to shake the ship anymore than it is..besides..what do I have to gain out of it anyway...:P...who knows..maybe it is boring ;-)